From: Michael E. Viola
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:14 AM
To: 'Paul Goranson'; 'Brad Nelson'; Wayne T. Reiersen; Phil Heitzenroeder; John A. Schmidt; Frank A. Malinowski; 'Mike Cole'; 'Larry L. Sutton'; Bob Simmons; Lawrence E. Dudek
Cc: ''; Marianne Tyrrell
Subject: Vacuum Vessel Peer Review, Wednesday 4/14 at 9:30
There will be a peer review of three Vacuum Vessel SOW Wednesday, April  14, at 9:30.  It will probably last about 2 hours.

PPPL participants will meet in the Engineering Conference Room and will call the conference  line  at  877 952 5851 passcode 498862 .  Presentation material will be shared via NetMeeting.  Unless otherwise instructed.

Chair: John Schmidt
RLM:  Wayne Reiersen
Cog (for SOW): Mike Viola
Cog (for Spec and PVVS Plan):  Paul Goranson

Reviewers:  Phil Heitzenroeder, Frank Malinowski, Mike Cole, Larry Dudek
