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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 142
Review Title Coil Testing Control and Protection Peer Review
Date 09 June 2006
Cognizant Engineer Raki Ramakrishnan
Responsible Line Manager Wayne Reiersen
Review Board Chairperson Al von Halle
Review Board Members Geoff Gettelfinger, Bob Marsala, Wayne Reiersen, Mike Williams
Invitees Bob Marsala, Raki Ramakrishnan, Geoff Gettelfinger, Larry Dudek, Bob Woolley, Wayne Reiersen, Don McBride, Gene Baker, Gregg Pitonak, Judy Malsbury, Colin Phelps, Bob Simmons, Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Williams, Jerry Levine, Brad Nelson, Dave Williamson, Al vonHalle
Attendees Larry Dudek, Bob Woolley, Don McBride, Gene Baker, Judy Malsbury, Colin Phelps, Bob Simmons, Phil Heitzenroeder, Gregg Pitonak, Brad Nelson, Dave Williamson, Kevin Freudenberg 

Design Review Material


Chits and Disposition


Review Committee Report

Review Board Report
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified  
Development plans and schedules
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA  
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews   N/A
Cost objectives Not covered in this review

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results

A peer review of the additional control and protection systems needed to complete power testing of the NCSX C1 coil with a known resistive line to ground leakage path was held.  A design was received that would establish an artificial null to minimize the potential at the known C1 coil leakage path, and to provide ground fault protection via a ground fault relay to be provided as shown in NCSX sketch B-4F1005. Voltage limiting schemes were presented and discussed.  Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV), added at both sides of the C1 coil, will clamp the coil voltage to 500 volts.  The test procedure will be updated to include warm/cold coil Megger at 1 kV, and the daily ECS operating routines will include a 500 V Hipot of the entire circuit before rectifier power is applied.  Also, monitoring points will be brought out of the cryostat to provide the ability to measure coil voltages at each terminal if required.  The review committee agreed that these systems should be implemented as presented.  


(check  one)

  1 Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
 1 Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

 1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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