Convention for Naming Ports


The purpose of this convention is to define a scheme for uniquely identifying the ports on the NCSX vacuum vessel.


The proposed convention for identifying the ports is as follows:


The port names will have the structure (field period)(bay)(vertical position).(number on port cover). For example, a port name would look like 1AM.3. Here the leading number denotes the field period (1, 2, or 3), the first letter denotes the bay within that period (A through F), and the second letter denotes the vertical location of the port within the bay. These are: T for top, U for upper, M for midplane, L for lower, and B for bottom. For port covers that have more than one port, the number after the period in the port name denotes the specific port on the port cover. If a vacuum vessel port does not have a port cover with more than one port, the period and following number are omitted. Thus, the port called 1AM.3 is located in the first field period, at bay A, and is on the midplane. Since this port cover has many ports, the specific port is denoted by the number 3 following the period.


The drawing below shows the names of the ports in the first field period for the present vacuum vessel design. The ports in the other field periods have similar names except that the leading number would be 2 or 3.