Summary of NCSX SIT Meeting of Monday, June 16, 2003


1. Re-baselining for the balance of FY-03 and early FY-04

* The SIT decided to recommend proceeding with fabrication of the VV and MCWF prototypes based on the specifications now in the suppliers' possession. Resolution of design issues (VV geometry and joint, MC wings, poloidal break, winding pack, and conductor) will continue in parallel. New designs, as they become available, can be incorporated into the suppliers' plans via change orders if deemed appropriate. [This recommendation was approved by R. Hawryluk on June 16.]

* FDRs for the protoytpes will be in the first week of July. Suppliers' MIT/QA plans for the prototypes will be reviewed by the project in early July. Release for fabrication will be issued in mid-July.

* WBS 12 & 14 plans have been pulled together by Wayne and need to be reviewed by ORNL and turned into WAFs. WBS 19 (Stellarator Core integration) input is needed. ACTION: Brad.

* WBS 15 (Structures): Phil Heitzenroeder replaces Doug Loesser as cog engineer and is developing a WAF.

* WBS 18 (Field Period Assembly) and WBS 3 (Diagnostics): Cost input submitted but schedules missing.

* WBS 4 (Power Systems): Cost and schedule input submitted, but possibilities for accelerating work need to be explored with Raki. ACTION: Wayne.

* Other work packages are in good shape.


2. Value Engineering Task (Mike)

* Task force is studying alternatives to avoid the costs and risks associated with fabricating the coils and field periods in a tritium-contaminated area, i.e. the TFTR test cell. Possible solutions are reducing the contamination or performing the work in other areas.

* Task force is holding meetings to identify other work packages to be studied.


3. Critical Technical Issues

* E04 coil design has been adopted. Modular coil model is being updated by ORNL.

* Coping with thermal stresses in the modular coils: There are ideas but not a plan yet.

ACTION: Brad / Dave W.

* Other critical issues are being addressed.


4. Next SIT Meeting: The calendar for the next three weeks is crowded. If possible, let's try to get together on Weds. afternoon, June 25. (There will be an IPT meeting with DOE that morning)


Summary by:

Hutch Neilson