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Engineering > Dimenstional Control & Metrology
The FTP site for retrieving metrology data may be accessed by clicking here.

Links to other metrology related information are provided below.

Document Title Topic Author Date
Dimensional Control/Metrology Links  


Postings by Art Brooks, Tom Brown, & Steve Raftopoulos  on dimensional control measurements

Brooks, Brown, Raftopoulos, Prinski & Dodson Updated Periodically
Design and Development of the NCSX Modular Interfaces Reviews history and development of the design of the NCSX modular coil interfaces Heitzenroeder  
Photogrametry Review Assessment of Photogrametry Capabilities (w/ Assistantance from CERN) Viola 11/30/2007

Validation Report of Photogrammetry for NCSX Experiment

Report of collaboration between CERN and NCSX Project that validated that photogrammetry techniques are able to provide the accuracy of the final assembly abd are able to reduce the time required compared to laser tracking device techniques. R. Goudard 11/2007
Document Author Date
Metrology Needs Assessment  Raftopoulos 11/15/2003
Metrology Milestones  Raftopoulos 8/15/2003
W7-X Measurements Zarnstorff 4/17/2003

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