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Engineering > Design Reviews > WBS 13 Conventional Coil TF Stress Analysis
Review Title Conventional Coil TF Stress Analysis Peer Review
Date 01 April 2004
Cognizant Engineer Mike Kalish/Len Myatt
Responsible Line Manager Wayne Reiersen
Review Board Chairperson Jim Chrzanowski
Review Board Members  Hutch Neilson, Dave Williamson
Invitees Irv Zatz, Tom Kozub, Art Brooks, Pete Titus, Phil Heitzenroeder, John Schmidt
Charge 1) To review the stress analysis of the PF and TF coils.

2) To resolve issues as required in respect to secondary stresses caused by thermal contraction.

Design Review Material



Insulation Shear Stresses in the Central Solenoid Memorandum

Detailed Electromagnetic-Structural Analysis of the NCSX PF4/5/6 Coils

Chits and Project Disposition

Review Board Report
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified Identified in meeting announcements memo
Development plans and schedules   N/A
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA N/A
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews N/A
Cost objectives N/A

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results

Len Myatt made a presentation of the results of analysis for the PF/TF insulation.  He identified a potential problem with the "Flat-wise" tension in the proposed insulation.  A recommendation  was to investigate the use of 3D S2 glass tape instead of the S-2 satin weave.  It was recommended that mechanical testing of the insulation scheme be performed.  Material testing could be performed following PDR.  


(check  one)

     Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
Incomplete - Additional work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check when done)

     Action required by Disposition is complete

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