From: Nelson, Brad
E. []
Sent: Monday, April 05,
2004 5:57
To: Erik D. Perry
Cc: Wayne T. Reiersen
Subject: RE: Final Assy Plan Peer
I agree. Let’s move Steve R to the invitee list and add Mike and Bob to the committee.
From: Erik D.
Perry []
Sent: Monday, April 05,
2004 4:37
To: Nelson, Brad E.
Cc: Wayne T. Reiersen
Subject: RE: Final Assy Plan Peer
I recommend adding Mike Viola and Bob Parsells to the committee since they have supervised the assembly of large complex devices.
From: Nelson,
Brad E. []
Sent: Monday, April 05,
2004 5:05
To: Erik D. Perry
Cc: Cole, Michael J.; Wayne T.
Subject: RE: Final
Assy Plan Peer Review
Thanks for the reminder. Mike has to be out the next few days, so I won’t be able to confirm the schedule with him until Thursday. However, I suggest the following:
Assess the NCSX stellarator core final assembly plan with respect to the following:
1. Do the motions of the field period assemblies and vacuum vessel spool pieces required for final assembly of the stellarator core maintain adequate clearances among and between all the components?
2. Are the assembly tooling requirements reasonable and achievable?
3. Are appropriate provisions made for metrology and in-process sensors (ie motion, proximity, etc)?
4. Are the assembly requirements defined for the base support structure? (plan includes PF pre-placement, motions, accuracy, VV port extension provisions, etc.)
5. Is the plan documented in the final assembly procedure?
Cog engineer: Cole
RLM: Nelson
Chairman: Perry
Committee (suggested)
Please let me know if this looks ok to you.
Brad Nelson
Oak Ridge National
P.O. Box
Ridge, TN
fax: 865-576-7926
From: Erik D.
Perry []
Sent: Monday, April 05,
2004 3:29
To: Nelson, Brad E.
Subject: Final Assy Plan Peer
Wayne’s Design Review Spreadsheet shows a peer review for the Final Assembly Plan next Tuesday at 9:30 with you as the RLM. Have you selected the review board members yet?
From: Wayne T.
Thursday, April 01,
2004 8:17
To: Leonard Myatt; Wayne T. Reiersen; Tom
Hargrove; Tom Brown; Tim Stevenson; Steve Raftopoulos; Russ Feder; Raki
Ramakrishnan; Phil Heitzenroeder; Paul Goranson; Paul Fogarty; Neil Pomphrey;
Mike Zarnstorff; Mike Williams; Michael E. Viola; Mike Kalish; Mike Cole;
Marianne Tyrrell; Larry Dudek; Kevin Freudenberg; Judith A. Malsbury; John
Schmidt; Joe Rushinski; Jim Lyon; Jim Graham (Jim Graham); James H. Chrzanowski;
Jerry D. Levine; Hutch Neilson; Horng-Ming Fan; Henry Kugel; Gregory Pitonak;
Greg Jones; Greg Fortier; Geoff Gettelfinger; Gary E. Oliaro; Gary Lovett; Fred
Dahlgren; Frank A. Malinowski; Erik D. Perry; Ed Lazarus; George D. Loesser;
Dennis Strickler; David W. Johnson; Dave Williamson; Charles A. Gentile; Chang
H. Jun; Brad Nelson (Brad Nelson); Bob Simmons; Bill Blanchard; Arthur W.
Brooks; Al Von Halle
Upcoming design reviews
We have an ambitious plan for design reviews in the coming weeks. The purpose of this note is to serve as a reminder of the responsibilities in conducting a design review and also as a reminder of the design reviews in the coming week.
A design review calendar is posted on the Engineering Home page. (Scroll down to Design Verification in the left column and click on the Design Review Calendar tab to the right.) The calendar lists the design reviews, dates, and also the cog, RLM, and proposed chairperson. For PDRs and FDRs, the chairperson must be selected from the list of approved chairpersons below:
D. Barnes Computing
L. Dudek Mechanical
P. Heitzenroeder Mechanical, Analysis
C. Neumeyer Electrical, Electronics
G. Oliaro Computing, Electronics
R. Parsells Construction, Mechanical
E. Perry Construction, Mechanical
T. Stevenson, Electrical
A. von Halle Electrical
Per ENG-033, the RLM is responsible for determining the Review Board Chairperson and members. On NCSX, the RLM is also responsible for establishing the charge for the Review Board. The cog is responsible for everything else in preparation for the design review, including:
· Securing a room
· Issuing the announcement to Review Board members and invitees
· Providing review documentation to the Review Board and invitees (preferably a week in advance of the meeting)
Please take these responsibilities seriously and perform them in a timely manner. The design reviews scheduled for the week of April 5 are listed below. The cog and RLM are identified in parentheses. The location for the design reviews is the Engineering Conference Room unless otherwise noted.
Monday, April 5 at 2:00pm ES&H Peer Review of the Coil Test Facility (Gettelfinger, Von Halle) [Location TBD]
Tuesday, April 6 at 9:30am VVSA Product Spec Review (Goranson, Nelson)
Wednesday, April 7 at 9:30am Conventional Coils Procurement Plan Peer Rvw (Kalish, Nelson)
Thursday, April 8 at 9:30am Peer Review of the C-site v. D-site Options (Zarnstorff, Neilson)
Thursday, April 8 at 1:30pm PVVS Evaluation Plan Peer Review (Goranson, Nelson)
Friday, April 9 at 1:30pm Seismic Analysis and Design Peer Review (Dudek, Reiersen)
In addition, the Twisted Racetrack Coil FDR which was originally scheduled for tomorrow was postponed, presumably until some time next week.
COG ENGINEERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO MAKE PREPARATIONS FOR THESE REVIEWS ASAP – THEY ARE NO MORE THAN A WEEK AWAY. If for some reason they must be postponed (something which is strongly discouraged because of an already compressed schedule between now and the May FDR), please reschedule the review – don’t just postpone it.
We all need to do our parts in order to successfully complete all the work that needs to be done in the next several weeks. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.