Title |
Electrical Power Systems CDR |
Date |
07 July 2005 |
Engineer |
Raki Ramakrishnan |
Responsible Line Manager |
Al vonHalle |
Review Board Chairperson |
Charlie Neumeyer |
Review Board Members |
Charlie Neumeyer, Mike
Zarnstorff, Mounir Awad, Eugene Baker, Jerry Levine, Judy Malsbury |
Invitees |
Al vonHalle, Charlie
Neumeyer, Wayne Reiersen, Ron Strykowsky, Hutch Neilson, Mike
Zarnstorff, John Lacenere, Brad Nelson, Bob Marsala, Dick Majeski, Bob
Kaita, Mike Williams, Paul Sichta, Mark Cropper, John Dong, Ray Camp,
David Williamson, Mike Kalish, Erik Perry, Mounir Awad, Eugene Baker,
Jerry Levine, Judy Malsbury |
Attendees |
Tony Langella, Rick Van
Kirk, Jerry Levine, Rich Borusovic, Leif Dietrich, Charlie Neumeyer, Bob
Marsala, Gene Baker, Mounir Awad, Judy Malsbury, Wayne Reiersen, Mike
Kalish, Bob Kaita, Don McBride, John Lacenere, Bob Simmons, Art Wise,
Paul Sichta, Raki Ramakrishnan, |
Charge |
1. Does the C-site option
appear to be a reasonable and cost effective solution to meet the
electrical power requirements (as documented in the GRD) for First
2. Does the scope of the conceptual design (as documented in the SDD
and schematics) appear complete?
3. Have attendant risks have been identified and addressed in the
project plans?
4. Do the resources and schedule in the project baseline appear
adequate for the design and implementation of the Electrical Power
System (WBS 4)?
5. Has electrical safety has been sufficiently addressed in the
design and implementation plans?
6. Is the project ready to proceed with preliminary design of the
Electrical Power System (WBS4)? |
Design Review Material |
Design Description
CD4 with
C-site Supplies
Budget Document
Chits and Disposition Plan
Power System Photo's
Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Design Review Report
Review Board Report |
Items Reviewed |
Sat |
Unsat |
Comments |
Appropriate requirements identified
Development plans and schedules |
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA |
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews |
objectives |
review objectives addressed
(Attachment 4 of ENG-033) |
Summary of Results
one) |
1 Acceptable |
Acceptable pending resolution of concerns -
CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation. |
1Incomplete -
Additional design
work is required prior to another design review.
Cog Engineer Close-out
when done) |
Action required by Disposition is complete |