Title |
Station 1
Assembly Sequence Peer Review |
Date |
8 December 2005 |
Engineer |
Tom Brown |
Responsible Line Manager |
Brad Nelson |
Review Board Chairperson |
Wayne Reiersen |
Review Board Members |
Larry Dudek, Paul Goranson,
George Labik, Brent Stratton, Steve Raftopoulos, Mike Viola, John
Edwards, Mike Cole |
Invitees |
Tom Brown, Brad Nelson, Mike
Cole, Paul Goranson, George Labik, Brent Stratton, Steve Raftopoulos,
Larry Dudek, Mike Viola, John Edwards, Dave Johnson, Mike Williams, Greg
Pitonak, Jerry Levine, Judy Malsbury, Hutch Neilson, Phil Heitzenroeder,
Jeff Makiel, Wayne Reiersen |
Attendees |
Wayne Reiersen, Mike Cole,
Tom Brown, George Labik, Ron Strykowsky, Colin Phelps, Judy Malsbury,
Greg Pitonak, Jeff Makiel, Steve Raftopoulos, Larry Dudek, John Edwards,
Mike Viola |
Charge |
“Does the Station 1
assembly sequence as documented by Tom Brown provide an adequate
basis to proceed with development of detailed assembly procedures?” |
Design Review Material |
Chits and Disposition
Review Board Report
Station 1 Assembly
Review Board Report |
Items Reviewed |
Sat |
Unsat |
Comments |
Appropriate requirements identified
Development plans and schedules |
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA |
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews |
objectives |
review objectives addressed
(Attachment 4 of ENG-033) |
Summary of Results
one) |
1 Acceptable |
Acceptable pending resolution of concerns -
CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation. |
1 Incomplete -
Additional design
work is required prior to another design review.
Cog Engineer Close-out
when done) |
Action required by Disposition is complete |