Title |
Modular Coil Electrical
Joint Peer Review |
Date |
24 April 2006 |
Engineer |
Dave Williamson |
Responsible Line Manager |
Brad Nelson |
Review Board Chairperson |
Charlie Neumeyer |
Review Board Members |
Bob Woolley, Mike Williams,
Larry Dudek, Geoff Gettelfinger, Phil Heitzenroeder, Paul Fogarty |
Invitees |
Wayne Reiersen, Charlie
Neumeyer, Robert Woolley, Mike Williams, Larry Dudek, Geoff
Gettelfinger, Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Cole, Paul Fogarty, John Edwards,
Tom Meighan, Steve Raftopoulos, Hutch Neilson, Brad Nelson, Jim
Chrzanowski, Mike Zarnstorff, Jerry Levine, Judy Malsbury, Gregg
Pitonak, Jeff Makiel, Bob Simmons, |
Attendees |
Mike Cole, Larry Dudek, Paul
Fogarty, Geoff Gettelfinger, Phil Heitzenroeder, Tom Meighan, Hutch
Neilson, Brad Nelson, Steve Raftopoulos, Bob Simmons, Mike Williams,
Dave Williamson, Mike Zarnstorff |
Charge |
1. Has adequate testing
been performed to proceed with implementation? Yes
2. Have all credible risks been adequately addressed? Yes
3. Have special risks to C1 [already VPI'd] been adequately
addressed? Yes
4. Are the design and
procedure revisions adequately documented to proceed with
implementation? Not Yet; procedure needs to be reviewed by persons
with relevant experience before proceeding with soldering? |
Design Review Material |
Chits and Disposition
Review Committee Report
Review Board Report |
Items Reviewed |
Sat |
Unsat |
Comments |
Appropriate requirements identified
Design to fit given space and
current |
Development plans and schedules |
Not Presented |
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA |
Not Presented |
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews |
Not Presented |
objectives |
Not Presented |
review objectives addressed
(Attachment 4 of ENG-033) |
Comments/exceptions below |
Summary of Results
Presentation was made
by J. Chrzanowski. Basically, due to issues related to imperfect fit-up
of the joint, consisting of a tapered male section mating with a female
connector, it has been concluded that some sort of modification are
needed to 1) restore desired electrical conductivity on the joints of
the already fabricated C-1 and C-2 coils for which modification of the
basic joint design is virtually impossible at this time, and 2) ensure
desired electrical conductivity on the joints of remaining coils for
which connector parts have been fabricated but can be modified. It
is proposed to supplement the mechanical joining of the connecting parts
by soldering, with the aim of increasing the cross sectional area
available to current flow. There are various concerns related to
this process which were addressed at the review. There is also a
concern that the behavior of the joint has not been quantified at this
time so that the criticality of joint resistance, and the meaning of
resistance measurements made thus far, are not well understood.
More work needs to be done in this area to determine what processing
and/or modifications should be performed on subsequent coils after C-1 &
C-2. And to determine what precision is necessary in making the
joint resistance measurements. Until this work is done, it was the
consensus of the group that the soldering operation should proceed on
C-1 & C-2, since soldering will surely not detract from the performance
of the joint. As explained in the presentation, precautions will
be taken during the soldering process to prevent damage to the C-1 epoxy
insulation, since it has already been impregnated. Also, the C-1
coil will be subject to prototype tests at full load current so that any
serous joint issues should be exposed at that time. Fourteen (14)
chits were generated (summary list attached). Those directly
related to the proposed soldering operation (5, 7, 10, 11) shall be
resolved prior to proceeding with same.
one) |
1 Acceptable |
Acceptable pending resolution of concerns -
CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation. |
1 Incomplete -
Additional design
work is required prior to another design review.
Cog Engineer Close-out
when done) |
Action required by Disposition is complete |