Title |
Trim Coil Conceptual Peer Review |
Date |
06 November 2007 |
Engineer |
Mike Kalish |
Responsible Line Manager |
Phil Heitzenroeder |
Review Board Chairperson |
Charlie Neumeyer |
Review Board Members |
NA |
Invitees |
Mike Kalish, Hutch Neilson, Mike
Zarnstorff, Mike Cole, Phil Heitzenroeder, Art Brooks, Jim Chrzanowski,
Steve Raftopoulos, Erik Perry, Mike Viola, Tom Brown, Ed Synakowski, Ron
Strykowsky, Fred Dahlgren, Charles Neumeyer, Raki Ramakrishnan, Paul
Goranson, Mila Shapovalov, Jim Anderson, Mike Williams, Jim Lyon, Al
vonHalle, |
Attendees |
Jim Chrzanowski, Charles
Neumeyer, Neil Pomphrey, Alan Boozer, Raki Ramakrishnan, Art Brooks,
Jeff Makiel, Bob Simmons, Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Kalish, Ed
Synakowski, Mila Shapovalov, Mike Cole, Paul Goranson, Hutch Neilson,
Tom Brown |
Charge |
Areas to
be addressed include:
Number of Amp-Turns required to meet physics goals and required margin
Number, geometry and placement of coils
Number of turns per coil and tradeoffs with respect to power supplies
and bus connections
Power supply configuration
Cooling requirements and analysis
Assembly concepts and structure
Metrology Requirements
and Schedule
Design Review Material |
Chits and
Field Error Correction Requirements
Review Board Report |
Items Reviewed |
Sat |
Unsat |
Comments |
Appropriate requirements identified
X |
Development plans and schedules |
X |
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA |
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews |
objectives |

review objectives addressed
(Attachment 4 of ENG-033) |
Summary of Results
See chits (attached)
Requirements need to be further developed before voltage requirement can
be established after which optimum number of turns can be chosen based
on coil/ps matching.
one) |
1 Acceptable |
1 Acceptable pending resolution of concerns -
CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation. |
Incomplete -
Additional design
work is required prior to another design review.
Cog Engineer Close-out
when done) |
Action required by Disposition is complete |