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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 16
Review Title NCSX LN2 Distribution System PDR
Date 05 June 2008
Cognizant Engineer Paul Goranson
Responsible Line Manager Phil Heitzenroeder
Review Board Chairperson Bill Blanchard
Review Board Members Larry Dudek, Kurt Rempetz, Steve Raftopoulos, Arkadly Klebaner, David Gwinn, Kuo-Chen Wu
Invitees Steve Raftopoulos, Paul Goranson, Larry Dudek, David Gwinn, Arkadly Klebaner, Kuo-Chen Wu, Tom Peterson, Hutch Neilson, Don Rej, Bob Simmons, Jeff Harris, Jeff Makiel, Pat Kelly, Judy Malsbury, Jerry Levine, Mike Williams, Mike Viola, Mike Gouge, Mike Cole, Brad Neilson, Sorin Homescu, Kevin Freudenberg, Fred Dahlgren, Bill Blanchard
Attendees Larry Dudek, Kurt Rempetz, Steve Raftopoulos, Arkadly Klebaner, David Gwinn, Kuo-Chen Wu, Paul Goranson, Bill Blanchard, Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Cole, Mike Kalish, Hutch Neilson, Jeff Makiel, Jerry Levine, Don Rej
Charge 1. A current Work Planning form must be on file. WP#_(pending). (Waived because NCSX is in phase-out mode).

2. A Systems Requirement (SRD): It need not be approved at the time of the review, but should have been widely reviewed such that closure and approval can be accomplished immediately following the review.

3. Models & Drawings: Drawings must adequately convey the design concept and be consistent with the supporting analyses. Need not be approved at the time of the review, but should have been widely reviewed such that closure and approval can be accomplished immediately following the review

4. Technical Requirements & Analyses: Requirements must be clearly defined. Analyses demonstrating that the design meets the requirements must be documented in an auditable form (not view graph presentations), and, at a minimum, must be reviewed by the RLM. Analysis supporting the PDR should have been reviewed and be ready for final checking and approval following the review.

5. Interfaces defined: Major system to system interfaces should be identified and reviewed as part of the design review. Status of agreements on key interfaces should be defined in the SRD and presented during the PDR.

6. Failure Modes and Effects Analyses If specified in the Work Planning Form,. a draft FMECA should have been circulated and commented upon prior to the review. Refer to Procedure ENG-008, available at: . (Waived – see 1.)

7. Resolution of Previous Design Review Comments / Chits: all prior comments/CHITS from previous reviews (Peer/CDR) should be addressed and the proposed resolution(s) agreed upon as part of the design review conclusions.

8. Manufacturability / Constructability: The planned manufacturing and construction approaches must be compatible with design requirements and be practical and cost effective. An overview and results from supporting studies, vendor contacts, etc. are to be presented in the review.

Design Review Material


Chits and Disposition




Review Board Report  
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified    
Development plans and schedules
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA    
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews    
Cost objectives    

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results

Please see link under Design Review Material


(check  one)

 1  Acceptable
  1  Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
  1 Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

 1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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