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Engineering > Design Review > WBS 142
Review Title Modular Coil Electrical Joint Peer Review
Date 24 April 2006
Cognizant Engineer Dave Williamson
Responsible Line Manager Brad Nelson
Review Board Chairperson Charlie Neumeyer
Review Board Members Bob Woolley, Mike Williams, Larry Dudek, Geoff Gettelfinger, Phil Heitzenroeder, Paul Fogarty
Invitees Wayne Reiersen, Charlie Neumeyer, Robert Woolley, Mike Williams, Larry Dudek, Geoff Gettelfinger, Phil Heitzenroeder, Mike Cole, Paul Fogarty, John Edwards, Tom Meighan, Steve Raftopoulos, Hutch Neilson, Brad Nelson, Jim Chrzanowski, Mike Zarnstorff, Jerry Levine, Judy Malsbury, Gregg Pitonak, Jeff Makiel, Bob Simmons,
Charge 1. Has adequate testing been performed to proceed with implementation?
2. Have all credible risks been adequately addressed? Have the special risks of C1 (which is  already VPI' ed) been adequately addressed?
3. Are the design and procedure revisions adequately documented to proceed with implementation?
Design Review Material


Chits and Disposition


Review Committee Report

Summary of  Results

Review Board Report
Items Reviewed

Sat Unsat


Appropriate requirements identified     
Development plans and schedules   
Regulatory compliance including USQD and NEPA    
Disposition of CHITS from previous reviews    
Cost objectives     

Other review objectives addressed

(Attachment 4 of ENG-033)


Summary of Results



(check  one)

 1  Acceptable
 1 Acceptable pending resolution of concerns - CHITS identified above must be resolved prior to installation.
 1 Incomplete - Additional design work is required prior to another design review.

Cog Engineer Close-out

(check  when done)

 1 Action required by Disposition is complete

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