From: Steve Raftopoulos Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 2:04 PM To: mviola; tbrown; Arthur W. Brooks; mcole Cc: mduco Subject: VVSA1 scan data Attachments: PPL SCAN_VVSA1 RO_FIX _WITH BEST FIT SHIFTED POINTS (1).xls Folks, This is the data from the full scan that we performed here at PPPL. Our scan did not match the MTM data, even though we aligned using their fiducial points and this initially perplexed us, but we are now confident that we now understand why. The cylinders that MTM provided for holding the reflectors mounts were shallower than the 1/4" pin of our reflector mount. We assumed that MTM had a mount with a shorter pin which would allow the holder to bottom out properly, so we cut our pin down. It's now fairly obvious that MTM didn't bother to bottom out their mount, and by modifying our pin we essentially introduced an alignment offset. While this introduced alignment error, the shape of the point cluster is valid with respect to shape of the VVSA1. Once the pppl data had been run through a best fit it matched MTM's data to a high degree (as we see it on verisurf). If we've interpreted the data correctly, we've validated their scan and best fit, but we still have the opportunity to come up with improved best fit(s). We do need to decide quickly and "fix" our coordinate system so that we can start installing the loops, studs and tubes. Steve Steve Raftopoulos Senior Staff Engineer Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543 (609) 243-3626 Voice (609) 243-3248 Fax