PS-Exchange 4.3.06 Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Delcam Plc. All rights reserved The input file is C:\Verisurf inspection files\Modular Coils\Wedge weld test 2\FLANGE_A_OFFSET HALF INCH.IGS The format of this file is IGES Resource file to be used is C:\dcam\product\PS-Exchange430604\sys\misc\resources\/Iges.rsc The output file is C:\Documents and Settings\sraftopo\Local Settings\Temp\psp210.tmp Requested output format is dgk Resource file to be used is C:\dcam\product\PS-Exchange430604\sys\misc\resources\/Dgk.rsc The following output resource values have been overridden : sdxOptOutputNurbSurfaces:true sdxOptPeriodicSurfaces:false Unable to modify resource sdxOptOutputNurbSurfaces with value true Reading file C:\Verisurf inspection files\Modular Coils\Wedge weld test 2\FLANGE_A_OFFSET HALF INCH.IGS Writing the translation to C:\DOCUME~1\sraftopo\LOCALS~1\Temp\psp210.tmp Product ID: PS-Exchange4.3.0604 Build: Build 04 Fri Mar 18 15:08:08 GMT 2005 1000 lines read 2000 lines read 3000 lines read 4000 lines read 5000 lines read 6000 lines read 7000 lines read 8000 lines read 9000 lines read 10000 lines read Filename : FLANGE_A.MC9 IGES Version : 5.0 Author : unknown Author's Organisation : unknown Sending System : MASTERCAM Preprocessor : 1 Creation Date : 2007/07/12 16:11:09 Units : INCH Scale : 1 Max Coordinate Value : 100 Resolution : 5E-005 This IGES file contains 3 unknown/unsupported entities. ....%10%....%20%....%30%....%40%....%50%....%60%....%70%....%80%....%90%....%100% 2 topology(s) were successfully translated. 286 surface(s) were successfully translated. 864 annotation entity(s) were successfully translated. Translation(s) complete