PS-Exchange 4.3.06 Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Delcam Plc. All rights reserved The input file is C:\romer inspection files\Modular Coils\B5\CAD surfaces B_type\type_b_side_b_short.igs The format of this file is IGES Resource file to be used is C:\dcam\product\PS-Exchange430604\sys\misc\resources\/Iges.rsc The output file is C:\Documents and Settings\sraftopo\Local Settings\Temp\psp14BA.tmp Requested output format is dgk Resource file to be used is C:\dcam\product\PS-Exchange430604\sys\misc\resources\/Dgk.rsc The following output resource values have been overridden : sdxOptOutputNurbSurfaces:true sdxOptPeriodicSurfaces:false Unable to modify resource sdxOptOutputNurbSurfaces with value true Reading file C:\romer inspection files\Modular Coils\B5\CAD surfaces B_type\type_b_side_b_short.igs Writing the translation to C:\DOCUME~1\sraftopo\LOCALS~1\Temp\psp14BA.tmp Product ID: PS-Exchange4.3.0604 Build: Build 04 Fri Mar 18 15:08:08 GMT 2005 1000 lines read Warning : Invalid data has been found in the global section of the file. Defaulting the data for field 3 ("product id from sending system") Filename : C:\Home\xdw\070129\type_b_side_b_short.igs IGES Version : 5.2 Author : unknown Author's Organisation : unknown Sending System : Rhinoceros ( May 19 2006 ) Preprocessor : Trout Lake IGES 012 May 19 2006 Creation Date : 2007/01/30 12:38:35 Units : INCH Scale : 1 Max Coordinate Value : 81.6077 Resolution : 0.01 This IGES file contains 6 unknown/unsupported entities. ....%10%....%20%....%30%....%40%....%50%....%60%....%70%... 4 topology(s) were successfully translated. .%80%....%90%....%100% Translation(s) complete