PowerINSPECT Excel Report Generation is very slow



this document applies to :

  1. All versions of PowerINSPECT

Gripe no 244


Excel Report generation may be slowed by anti-virus software and will fail if there is no printer selected.


EXCEL takes a long time to generate a PowerINSPECT report.

Not PowerINSPECT problems;  may therefore affect all versions of PowerINSPECT and all versions of Excel.

Possible Cause:  Anti-virus Software

May be caused by anti-virus software scanning of Excel Macro and OLE files.

Workaround:   Anti-virus Software

Simply disable the anti-virus software or set the "on-demand" feature.

Possible Cause:  Printer Driver

In order to determine where to put page breaks and how to do other formatting, the report generating Macro (that runs inside Excel) needs to access the printer driver.

If the physical printer has been moved - i.e. it is no longer connected to the hosting machine - then Excel will take a long time attempting to get the driver information and will even lock up!

Workaround:   Printer Driver

If report generation is taking a long time then check that you can print a test page for the selected printer.

If not, change the printer settings.