Excel Report Template: Logo and Other Presentation Changes



this document applies to :

  1. PowerINSPECT 1200
  2. PowerINSPECT 1300
  3. PowerINSPECT 1350
  4. PowerINSPECT 1355
  5. PowerINSPECT 2001
  6. PowerINSPECT 2200



This document explains how to make minor presentation changes (Name, Address and Logo)
to a PowerINSPECT Excel Report Template, as normally agreed when customising a template
for a customer.


Changing the Excel Template


When you launch the Excel Report from PowerINSPECT ,

image002.jpg (10951 bytes)

The Report is produced in Microsoft Excel. It is started either with the
·Excel Report Button or with
·File- Generate Excel Report

you will produce an Inspection Report in Microsoft Excel.
image007.jpg (22872 bytes)

An Inspection Report normally consists of:
Information which is the same every time the report is printed
Information which sometimes changes for different parts or different customers
Inspection Results from PowerINSPECT- these are different every time

The Inspection Report follows a template created in another Excel spreadsheet. The Excel Template spreadsheet determines the content and the layout of the Inspection Report.
image009.jpg (21452 bytes)
This is a Template.
It is very similar to the report.
You can make changes to the Inspection Report by making changes to the Excel spreadsheet Template.
You can make new Inspection Reports by copying an Excel spreadsheet Template and making changes to the copy.
This document will show you how to make these changes to Excel Templates.

Where Files are saved

Any templates supplied with PowerINSPECT are in the same directory. If you create any new templates, you should “Save as” in that same directory.

image011.jpg (34983 bytes)

PowerINSPECT is normally found in C:\dcam\product Within the PowerINSPECT folder there should be a sub-folder called “Template.” This is where the Excel templates should be saved.


If you open an Excel template file you will see a number of ‘tabs’ at the bottom of the window. Clicking on these tabs will allow you to transfer between different pages or ‘worksheets’ within the document.
image013.jpg (3501 bytes)

The different worksheets have been carefully designed to produce reports on all the different inspection features in PowerINSPECT. You should make changes to only two worksheets: The Template (shown above), and The Header (shown below)
image015.jpg (3546 bytes)

Making changes to an Excel Report

As described in the Introduction there are three types of information in the Excel Report:

Information which is the same every time the report is printed

This includes things like your company logos, address and contact details.

image017.jpg (20209 bytes)This information is often right at the top of the report and usually gives information about your company- not the contents of the report.

Information which sometimes changes for different parts or different customers

image019.jpg (9853 bytes)
This will usually identify who the report is for, and what part it describes. It will normally be near the top of the Inspection Report (what we would consider the ‘Header’), or at the bottom.

image021.jpg (6282 bytes)

The layout and contents may need to change according to customer requirements, as the following examples show.

image022.jpg (9853 bytes)

image024.jpg (10802 bytes)

The actual contents of these sections are determined by the user in the PowerINSPECT session:

image028.jpg (34278 bytes)

Template choice & Header information

This is determined at the beginning of the inspection but can be modified later.

Inspection Results from PowerINSPECT

The actual PowerINSPECT inspection data is the third part of the report.

image030.jpg (34121 bytes)

The inspection data consists of point coordinate data and graphs. This is outside the scope of this document: normally only the presentation needs to be changed.

I Want To Make Changes to:

The Company Logo

This is: “Information which is the same every time the report is printed”
There are two aspects to the company logo:
1 The picture file
2 The positioning in the template

The Picture File

Go into the ‘Template’ worksheet.

image013.jpg (3501 bytes)

Find the logo picture

image034.jpg (26011 bytes) Picture Toolbar Name Box Logo is selected When you select the logo:
1 It will be surrounded with selection boxes
2 A Picture toolbar will be displayed
3 The “Name Box” will show “LOGO”

Changing the logo Picture

1 Delete the old logo

image036.jpg (9542 bytes)
2 Insert a new logo with the Insert Menu

image038.jpg (4141 bytes)

Choose the logo and insert it
image040.jpg (12017 bytes)

3 Name the new logo “LOGO”

image043.jpg (32492 bytes)

Type “LOGO” in Name Box

Resizing the Logo

The Template has custom features to allow you to make changes like this.

A toolbar has been provided for these features.

image045.jpg (1414 bytes)

Click on “EditZone” to resize the logo. This brings up the “Zone Edition” box.

image047.jpg (6107 bytes)

Click on “LOGO Position”

image049.jpg (52940 bytes)

This will show where the logo is to be drawn. In this case the logo would be drawn in the highlighted box, from row 6 column 2 to row 7 column 11.

This is why the Header.LogoPosition box ends in R6C2:R7C11. It runs from row 6 column 2 to row 7 column 11.

Note that the logo will cover this entire area. If we print this report as it is now, it will come out like this.

image051.jpg (18963 bytes)

The logo scales to fit the area defined.

The logo is scaled to fit the defined area.

We need to redefine the logo area to keep the logo in proportion. We might use row 6 column 2 to row 7 column 3 for this logo.

Click on “EditZone” again and redefine a new area.

image053.jpg (12991 bytes)

Click “Define” and this will change the area.

A confirmation box will appear.

image055.jpg (4869 bytes)

Click OK and the area will be changed.

You then need to click on the X in the top left hand corner of the “Zone Edition” box to remove it.

image058.jpg (17475 bytes)

This is the template. The logo area is shown highlighted.

The logo will then fill this new area when you generate an Excel report.

image060.jpg (15953 bytes)

This is the Excel Report as printed. The logo fits in the area.

For ease of use it is worth moving and resizing the picture to fit approximately in the printing area, by dragging and clicking.

image060.jpg (15953 bytes)

This is the template, with the logo resized by hand. It is not actually necessary to do this- but it makes it a lot easier to understand!