Cannot open IGES file from CD.




this document applies to :

  1. All versions of PowerINSPECT
Gripe no 340


It is not possible to read a IGES from any READONLY device from PowerINSPECT.
Workaround: Copy file to hard disc.


PowerINSPECT fails to read an IGES file from CD. All versions.

Problem cause

It is not possible to read a IGES from any READONLY device such as a CDROM from PowerINSPECT. The reason is that the IGES file will be converted into an ODX file in the same folder.As such, the device where the IGES file is stored must have full WRITE access.


As a general rule all files must be transferred into the computer Hard Disc drive before being used with PowerINSPECT. You may delete the file after use.

(Don't forget to delete the ODX file as well: this file contains exactly the same information that is in the IGES file in a more effective way)