Free Form Fit Hints & Tips



this document applies to :

  1. All versions of PowerINSPECT


Free Form Fit is most likely to succeed with a smallish number of accurately placed points
positioned so as to constrain the part in 3D.
Choose the most accurate points first.


This technique is commonly used for complex 3D parts which lack simple geometric features of known positions. It is used to position the part for inspection

How do I carry out a free form fit?

Use the free form fit icon in the positioning menu and follow the instructions. There are two things to consider when choosing points.

1 Choose points on different surfaces to help PowerINSPECT constrain the part in 3D.

2 Choose points such that you have a reasonable chance of picking the point exactly. It is generally easier to pick points to high accuracy if the point is in some way distinctive, rather than somewhere in the middle of a large featureless surface.

Try to select your most accurate points first. If PowerINSPECT is going to fail with any points, it is preferable that this should happen towards the end of the fitting process (the fit may still succeed with a couple of failed points).