VBS Script may be deleted



this document applies to :

  1. PowerINSPECT 1200
  2. PowerINSPECT 1300
  3. PowerINSPECT 1350
  4. PowerINSPECT 1355
  5. PowerINSPECT 2001
  6. PowerINSPECT 2200



PowerINSPECT tries to locate the script in the last place it was saved.
If you take a back-up on a floppy disc and remove it,
PowerINSPECT will no longer be able to find it!
Copy scripts using Windows Explorer or similar.


Hidden danger when saving VBS script:
PowerINSPECT tries to locate the script in the last place it was saved to.

Within the VBS editor, save the script to somewhere sensible where it won't get deleted.
If you decide to make copy on floppy;
Use File->Save As and save to A:
Remove the floppy and PowerINSPECT is in trouble because tries to locate the script in the last place it was saved to!


Copy Scripts using Windows Explorer or similar.