Importing Guided Points from an external source



this document applies to :

  1. PowerINSPECT 1100
  2. PowerINSPECT 1200
  3. PowerINSPECT 1300
  4. PowerINSPECT 1350
  5. PowerINSPECT 1355
  6. PowerINSPECT 2001
  7. PowerINSPECT 2200



You can import a list of X,Y,Z guided points
from an external source (clipboard or file).

The import process is in two steps:

1. Import the points to the Positioning Point Editor.
This will permit PowerINSPECT to adjust the point coordinates
and ensure that all points belong to the CAD model.

2. Copy/Paste points from the Position Point Editor,
to a Guided Point Group


Importing GUIDED POINTS from an external Source
This covers a feature that was already available in PowerINSPECT 1100 but not documented.
One can import a list of X,Y,Z guided points from an external source, ( clipboard or file).
The import process is in fact a 2 step process:

1. Import the points to the Positioning Point Editor. This will permit PowerINSPECT to adjust the point coordinates and ensure that all points belong to the CAD model.

2. Copy/Paste points from the Position Point Editor, to a Guided Point Group Point can be imported from either the Clipboard or a file . the Clipboard import will allow you to get the XYZ coordinates from any Windows Program such as Microsoft Excel. In either case, the following format must be respected:


Points must be described in lines ( i.e one line per point), Fields must be separated with TAB characters . (This is the default Excel Clipboard Format)

note :
<> fields are mandatory,  [] fields are optional
name of the Point , could be any Alphanumeric string
Contains 3 decimal number that represent the X , Y , Z of the Guided Point
Form1 : Contains 3 decimal number that represent the I , J ,K of the Guided Point
Form2 : one of the 6 following values : X+,X-,Y+,Y-,Z+,Z- that represent the best the clearance direction for this point.
This direction will be used to adjust the projection of the point during STEP1 and make sure that the provided co-ordinates actually belong to a surface.
The orientation of the clearance direction is crucial and determine the side probed. A wrong orientation will lead PowerINSPECT to produce a CMM Probe center target to be on the wrong side of the surface as shown in the following diagram:
[OFFSET] ( optional , Modal)
Represent the offset of the point.  If not specified this parameter will take the value of the previous point or Zero
Represents the low and high tolerances values of the point.If not present , PowerINSPECT will use the default tolerance values.

Example of valid lines:

PTS1 120.00 50.000 13.5678 0.00 0.00 1.00
PTS1 120.00 50.000 13.5678 Z+
PTS1 120.00 50.000 13.5678 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 -0.1 0.1
PTS1 120.00 50.000 13.5678 Z+ 2.00 -0.1 0.1

Detailed Process :

Open up PowerINSPECT ,
Load Chainsaw.odx
Ativate the Positioning Point editor by clicking on
The Point Editor Tool bar should also appear on the screen
Copy the 3 following point to the clipboard ( from Excel or a text editor)
P1    16    10    0    Z+
P2    -26    40    -23    Y-
P3    20    20    -16    Z+
Go back to PowerINSPECT
From the menu select the Command Edit- Dynamic Points- Import Points from Clipboard
If any of the points might appear on different surfaces you will have to select a surface.
You should now see the imported point on the screen.
Click on the 'finger' "Select Dynamic Points" icon from the free form fit toolbar to activate the Selection Tool.
Create a drag and drop rectangle to select all the points as shown :
Edit Copy
Create a Inspection group and untick the Point on the Fly check box
Open the Inspection group
Choose Edit Paste from the Main menu , the Guided point should now be copied on the Inspection group and can now be probed
Whilst importing the Point PowerINSPECT may find more than one solution.  This brings a dialog box on the screen to select interactively the proper solution.
PowerINSPECT displays the distance from the initial XYZ co-ordinate to the projected point in the second columns.
One can restrict the projection search criteria (RESEARCH LENGTH) from the Parameters Dialog box ( accesible from the menu :MEASURE/Paratemers and then Tolerance) before importing the points.
By default the research criteria is set to 100 mm.