PowerINSPECT Best Bit From Points Alignment



this document applies to :

  1. PowerINSPECT 1200
  2. PowerINSPECT 1300
  3. PowerINSPECT 1350
  4. PowerINSPECT 1355
  5. PowerINSPECT 2001
  6. PowerINSPECT 2200


PowerINSPECT allows you to align the part you are inspecting and the CAD data using three or more points, that have been created as auxiliary entities from geometric elements.


PowerINSPECT allows you to align the part to the CAD data using three or more points on the part for which you know the CAD co-ordinates, using a Best Fit method to match both set of coordinates.

Follow the steps below to create a Best Fit (Points) alignment:

  1. Create a Geometric group to measure features that will provide you with at least three points as auxiliary entities, for example holes, and also a reference plane.
  2. Make sure that you know the the XYZ coordinates in the Part Datum for at least three of the points created.
  3. Probe the elements.
  4. Return to the Definition level in the Sequence Tree.
  5. On the main Element toolbar click on AlignTBButt.gif (1572 bytes) to display the Alignment toolbar.
  6. Click on the button to display the following dialog box:

    BestFitFromPointsDlg.gif (4223 bytes)

    buttonNext.gif (856 bytes) Use this button to navigate to the next point
    buttonPrevious.gif (858 bytes) Use this button to navigate to the previous point
    ButtonNew.gif (878 bytes) Use this button to add a new point
    ButtonDelete.gif (852 bytes) Use this button to delete a point

You need to enter details for at least three points, on three different pages of this dialog box. Use the arrows button to navigate through the pages, each page shows one point. On each page, you must select the point created as part of a geometric element from the drop down list box, then enter the nominals that represent this point in the XYZ boxes.

The first point can be flagged as 'Hard Point' this means that PowerINSPECT will force this point to get the specified coordinates during the calculation.

Please check the consistency of the information you provide, especially:

Example :

In this example we want to set up a pressing part that has three references holes.

The three holes are defined on three different planes, and we have extracted the coordinates of the hole centres using the Wireframe checker. (The coordinates of the holes could equally have been provided by the CAD department)

Process :

 bfPosGeometric.gif (8991 bytes)

bfPosPage2.gif (4111 bytes)

bfPosPage3.gif (4228 bytes)