Off-line Inspection with PowerINSPECT



this document applies to :

  1. PowerINSPECT 1355 and later

Gripe no 000


PowerINSPECT 1355 has point cloud functionality.  This allows pre-recorded point clouds to be used for surface inspection.  This is off-line inspection.  The software is designed for use with aligned point clouds (as produced by typical scanning machines) but there is a WORKAROUND which makes it possible to  carry out a free form alignment by simulating a PowerINSPECT log file.


You will need to create at least TWO points files.  One file will contain the surface inspection points.  The other file(s) will contain the points used for positioning.

1.  Decide how to create an alignment

For example:  the five positions below have been selected for a free form fit

fff.gif (10257 bytes)

2.  Record the size of the probe being used for the measurements.

For example, a 2mm ball probe has been used for this example

3.  Probe these points on the part with the CMM and save them to a file.   This file is the 'positioning' file.  Take a note of the approximate i,j,k or surface normal vectors for each point. 

For example:  these points were taken on the CMM and saved to file. 

POINT 251.715,175.327,-248.279
POINT 365.246,188.045,-261.851
POINT 399.733,225.691,-257.726
POINT 393.143,240.207,-248.365
POINT 273.757,278.793,-248.28

Point 1 was:  Z+ in CMM coordinates
Point 2 was:  X+ in CMM coordinates
Point 3 was:  Y- in CMM coordinates
Point 4 was:  Z+ in CMM coordinates
Point 5 was:  Z+ in CMM coordinates


4.  Probe the points required for the surface inspection and save them to another file.  This is the 'inspection' file.  Take a note of the approximate i,j,k or surface normal vector for the first point.

For example:  this is the start of a point file.

POINT 351.308,163.106,-248.391
POINT 297.415,162.894,-248.311
POINT 222.656,159.917,-248.26
POINT 224.273,219.516,-248.21
POINT 218.112,291.069,-248.128

Point 1 was:  Z+ in CMM coordinates


5.  Modify the 'positioning' file so that it takes the following format.

0 X Y Z I J K probedia
1 X Y Z I J K
2 X Y Z I J K
3 X Y Z I J K

For example:  the point file from step 3 has been modified as follows.

0 251.715 175.327 -248.279 0 0 1 2
1 365.246 188.045 -261.851 1 0 0
2 399.733 225.691 -257.726 0 -1 0
3 393.143 240.207 -248.365 0 0 1
4 273.757 278.793 -248.28 0 0 1


6.  Save this modified 'positioning' point file with a .log extension

7.  Modify the 'inspection' file so that it takes the following format

X Y Z I J K probedia

For example:  the point file from step 4 has been modified as follows:

351.308 163.106 -248.391 0 0 1 2
297.415 162.894 -248.311
222.656 159.917 -248.26
224.273 219.516 -248.21
218.112 291.069 -248.128

8.  Save this modified 'inspection' file with a .asc extension.

9.  Open a PowerINSPECT session with the relevant CAD file.

newsession.gif (15224 bytes)

10.  Create a new PowerINSPECT 'probe change' to match the actual probe.   Select it.  DO NOT CALIBRATE THIS PROBE IN PowerINSPECT.

probesize.gif (5696 bytes)

11.  Create in PowerINSPECT the features used for alignment.  This should correspond to the data measured in step 3.

In this example we create a 'Free Form Fit' alignment accordng to the positions decided in step 1.

freeformfit.gif (34224 bytes)

12.  'Measure' these features in PowerINSPECT using the log file.

Access the log file with Measures- Simulation, or by 'right clicking' on the connection flash and choosing Simulation

simulate1.gif (2234 bytes)

Choose the 'positioning' log file created in step 6.

simulate2.gif (6866 bytes)

Start measuring, and senc each point to PowerINSPECT by selecting the line and pressing 'Send'.

logging.gif (30415 bytes)

Complete the alignment as usual.

13.  Create an 'Inspection Group' for 'Points on the Fly.'  Use 'Import Points from File.'

pointsfromfile1.gif (3408 bytes)

and select the 'inspection' file created in step 8.

pointsfromfile2.gif (4924 bytes)

This will add confetti to the screen in the normal way.

inspection.gif (36057 bytes)'

14.  You may need to experiment with Measures- Parameters- 'Probe Point Options' to set appropriate Proximity Criteria.  If you have to increase the Proximity Criteria you will have to take the points again.

probepointoptions.gif (7157 bytes)

15.  Create a Best Fit in the normal way.

bestfit.gif (28495 bytes)