Using Renishaw Machine Tool macros with PowerINSPECT



this document applies to :

  1. PowerINSPECT 2200

Gripe no 000


PowerINSPECT 2200


PowerINSPECT 2200 


Most machine tool controllers have a 25 pin serial cable.

Problem cause

Print.ini File


$R8 = R parameter

$T = RENT etc see print.ini


SPF = sub part file (sub program)
MPF = machine part file
WPD = work part directory (folder with series of programs)

Renishaw macros generally start with '9' because the '9' series can be protected

Program is identified with 0(number) or :(number) e.g. 09411

9801 sets probe length
9802 creates offset for probe
9803 runs same routine as 9802 but knows size of a ring gauge; stores values in '500s'
9810 = protected probe move (with triggering)
98XX = user program - all run 9800
97XX typically run by 98XX or other 97XX
9823 = 3 point bore or boss measure

L denotes Renishaw macros

r7 diameter
r24 = x
r25 = y
r26 = z

G90 absolute coordinate system
G91 relative coordinate system

G0 rapid move
G1 linear move (X,Y,Z all to finish at same time)
G2 clockwise
G3 anticlockwise
G4F1 dwell (stop or pause) and duration (for 1 second)
G17 - G19 'compound circles' in (X,Y), (X,Z), (Y,Z) planes

m00 = program stop

G54 - G57 or G54 - G59
G54 is a register; can be set for zero offset



T1 M6; tool change (; denotes comments)

G04F1 ; (starts up probe)

G54 ; work offset

G01 X5 Y5 Z60 F3000 ; linear move (to X5,Y5,Z60 at feed rate = 3000)

L9810 ; (set Z to 10; do protected positioning move)

L9408 ; declare plane start

L9411 ; (set Z to 0; measure to Z)

;more probe moves

L9409 ; declare plane end




To export a program from the controller to a PC:

[PRGRM]    (on screen)

[DIR]         (on screen)


type in numbers e.g. 09726

[PUNCH]     (on screen)

[EXECUTE]  (on screen)

-this exports via COM port

-use hyperterminal to collect it.


To load a program to the controller from the PC



[OPRT]       on screen

then & extended keyboard

[READ]       (on screen)

[EXEC}       LSK flashes


0-9999 and [EXEC} gives memory dump.