Verisurf Bestfit Report


10/18/06 12:48:50
Units: INCH

Move Points to Model

Local Transformation X Y Z
Translation 0.0518 0.0602 0.0185
Center of Rotation 53.2821 0.5287 -0.172
  Roll Pitch Yaw
Rotation Angle (Deg.) 0.1605 0.1812 -0.1431
World Transformation X Y Z
Origin 0.051796 0.051796 0.051796
Matrix I 0.999993 0.002497 0.002801
Matrix J -0.002489 0.999992 -0.003163
Matrix K -0.002809 0.003156 0.999991

Move Model to Points

Local Transformation X Y Z
Translation -0.0518 -0.0602 -0.0185
Center of Rotation 53.2821 0.5287 -0.172
  Roll Pitch Yaw
Rotation Angle (Deg.) -0.1605 -0.1812 0.1431
World Transformation X Y Z
Origin -0.051796 -0.060198 -0.018529
Matrix I 0.999993 -0.002497 -0.002801
Matrix J 0.002506 0.999992 0.003163
Matrix K 0.002793 -0.00317 0.999991

"Rotation Angle (Deg.)" Using your right hand, place thumb along an X, Y or Z axis
pointing in the positive direction. The way your fingers curl is the positive angle direction.