C vacisld - original C vacisld2 - modified to get coil name from mgrid file name C vacisld3 - no stellarator symmetry version C vacisld4 - vacisld2 modified to interpolate vmec surfaces for iota C Also added option to bypass creating surfs file from wout file C and use existing surfs file - triggered by presence of 2nd arg C on command line. C Ntarget also read from input C vacisld5 - merge vacisld3 & vacisld4 C NOTE: vacisld5 only does nonsymmetry calculations C and assumes ntar data given for 360 deg, not 1 period C vacisld6 - added visldout ( without .ext ) file to collect all runs C vacisld7 - calculate B.grad(phi) explicitly C vacisld8 - use vmec field with coil field ( coil field assumed perturbation field ) c*********************************************************************** module Vext character*80 ext, coilsfile integer, parameter :: iunit = 7 end module Vext c************************************************ module testfield use kind_spec real(kind=rprec) :: rc, ac, xiota0,xiota1, bmnx integer :: mx, nx end module testfield c******************************************************** module coil_data_mod use kind_spec implicit none c c coil filament data real(kind=rprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: xf,yf,zf,cf integer :: nfil, npts c c working arrays for biot-savart real(kind=rprec), dimension(:),allocatable :: dx,dy,dz,vx,vy,vz,fa c c coil data real(kind=rprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: coilcur integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: i1, i2, igroup character*16, dimension(:), allocatable :: group integer :: ncoil c c group data ( groupcur -> VMEC's EXTCUR ) real(kind=rprec), dimension(:), allocatable :: groupcur integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ncoilgrp integer :: ngroup c c header data character*32 :: top(3) c c Coils file extension c character*16 coilext c end module coil_data_mod c*********************************************************************** module Vmeshes integer, parameter :: nu = 64 integer, parameter :: nv = 64*3 integer, parameter :: md = 32 integer, parameter :: nd = 32*3 integer, parameter :: mnd = (md + 1)*(2*nd + 1) integer, parameter :: nuv = nu*nv integer, parameter :: nuvh = nuv/2 + nu end module Vmeshes c*********************************************************************** module Vsurfdata use Vmeshes use kind_spec integer :: icm(mnd),icn(mnd),icm1(mnd),icn1(mnd),imn, ms, ns real(kind=rprec), dimension(0:md,-nd:nd) :: cr, cz, dcr, dcz + ,cbu,cbv real(kind=rprec), dimension(nuv) :: x, y, z, r, snx, sny ,snz, bs + , dsur, ex, ey, ez, bp, bsbp real(kind=rprec), dimension(nuv) :: ru, rv, xu, xv, yu, yv, zu, zv real(kind=rprec), dimension(nuv) :: rs, xs, ys, zs,bu,bv real(kind=rprec), dimension(100) :: wtar, star, dstar, ds2, bnavg + ,bmns, bmnc, bmn,bnmax integer, dimension(100) :: mtar, ntar, idstar integer :: nts, ntarget, ntotal, nsurf, noreadwout real(kind=rprec) :: js, s, phip, xiota, xiotap, curpol real(kind=rprec), dimension(100) :: xiotaps ! save xiotap for analytic_island routine end module Vsurfdata c*********************************************************************** module Vprecal use Vmeshes use kind_spec real(kind=rprec) :: pi,pi2,alp,alu,alv,alvp real(kind=rprec), dimension(nv) :: coh, sih real(kind=rprec), dimension(nu,0:md) :: comu, simu real(kind=rprec), dimension(nv,0:nd) :: conv, sinv end module Vprecal c*********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** program main c use Vext use Vsurfdata, ONLY: noreadwout use testfield implicit none c integer narg, id, iargc, getarg c c get file extension from command line c narg=iargc() noreadwout=0 if(narg.lt.2)then write(*,*) "Usage : xvacisld ext coilsfile [noreadwout]" stop elseif(narg.gt.2)then noreadwout=1 ! don't read wout file; read modified surfs file endif id=getarg(1,ext) id=getarg(2,coilsfile) c c read targeted modes and c get targeted surfaces from wout file and convert to mag coords c if(narg.eq.2)call vmec2mag ! use existing surfs file if not c c read coils file and set currents based on vmec input file ( extcur values ) c call get_coils c c open field data file c open(unit=11,file="field",status="old") read(11,*) ! skip header c c C read(*,*) rc, ac, xiota0, xiota1 C read(*,*) mx, nx, bmnx c c calculate island size(s) on targeted surfacaes c call island_size c stop end c Routine to extract flux surfaces from vmec wout file c and convert to straight line coordinates c uses vmec routines kind_spec.f vparams.f read_wout_mod.f c which must be compiled prior to compiling this routine c************************************************************** c subroutine vmec2mag use kind_spec use read_wout_mod, ONLY: nfp, ns, mpol, ntor, mnmax, + xm, xn, rmnx => rmnc, zmnx => zmns, lmnx => lmns, + bsubvmn, iota => iotas, phip, readw_only + , bsupumn, bsupvmn use Vext use Vsurfdata, ONLY: nsurf implicit none c c parameter (nu=32,nv=32, nmn=(nu/2)*(nv/2*2-1)) integer, parameter :: nu=32, nv=32, nmn=(nu/2)*(nv/2*2-1) real(kind=rprec), dimension(0:nu/2,-nv/2+1:nv/2) :: dummy,amus, # rmnc_mag,zmns_mag,drmnc_mag,dzmns_mag,bumnc_mag,bvmnc_mag real(kind=rprec), dimension(nu,nv) :: amu,amu_save,r,z,dr,dz + , bu, bv real(kind=rprec), allocatable, dimension(:) :: + rmnc, zmns, rmnb, zmnb, lmns, drmnc, dzmns,bumnc,bvmnc integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: marray, narray, mb, nb real(kind=rprec), allocatable, dimension(:) :: xt, iotap integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: mt, nt character*8 char real(kind=rprec) :: pi,s,ds,sumr,sumz,udiff,u,v,um,sum1,sum2,f + ,sumdr, sumdz, sumbu, sumbv, xiotamax integer :: ierr,imn,js,mnb,nmode,ntarget,i,isurf,ix,iu,iv,m,n,it, + icount c pi=4.*atan2(1.,1.) c c From VMEC output, read Fourier coefficients of boundary shape c and fourier coefficients of contravariant (super) cpts of B c open(unit=iunit,file="wout."//trim(ext),status='unknown') c call readw_only(iunit, ierr) close(iunit) c c write(102,*) "xn=",xn c c Allocate memory for local variables c allocate(marray(mnmax), narray(mnmax), mb(mnmax), nb(mnmax), + rmnc(mnmax), zmns(mnmax), rmnb(mnmax), zmnb(mnmax), + lmns(mnmax), drmnc(mnmax), dzmns(mnmax), + bumnc(mnmax),bvmnc(mnmax), + xt(ns),iotap(ns), + mt(ns),nt(ns), stat=ierr) if(ierr.ne.0)stop " vmec2mag : allocation error " do imn=1,mnmax marray(imn)=int(xm(imn)) narray(imn)=int(xn(imn))/nfp enddo c write(102,"(2i5)") (marray(imn),narray(imn),imn=1,mnmax) c c c calculate d(iota)/ds c ds=1./(ns-1.) iotap(2)=(iota(3)-iota(2))/ds iotap(ns)=(iota(ns)-iota(ns-1))/ds do js=3,ns-1 iotap(js)=(iota(js+1)-iota(js-1))/2./ds enddo xiotamax=maxval(iota(2:ns)) c c weed out zero terms from boundary c mnb=0 do imn=1,mnmax if(abs(rmnx(imn,ns)).gt.1.e-10 .or. + abs(zmnx(imn,ns)).gt.1.e-10 )then mnb=mnb+1 mb(mnb)=marray(imn) nb(mnb)=-narray(imn) ! REMEMBER TO CHANGE SIGN CONVENTION FOR NESCOIL rmnb(mnb)=rmnx(imn,ns) zmnb(mnb)=zmnx(imn,ns) endif enddo c c c c---------------------------------------------- c input resonant surfaces to extract c open(unit=iunit,file="vacisld.param",status="old") c read(iunit,*) nmode ! , ntarget c ntarget = 1 ! force 1 mode per surface read(iunit,*) nmode, ntarget read(iunit,*) (mt(i),nt(i),i=1,nmode) close(iunit) c do i=1,nmode xt(i)=float(nt(i))/float(mt(i)) if(xt(i).gt.xiotamax)xt(i)=xiotamax ! fix for targeting near resonances at edge nt(i)=-nt(i) ! convert vmec to internal nescoil notation c xt(i)=-nfp*float(nt(i))/float(mt(i)) enddo c write(102,*) " extracting surfaces for iota = " write(102,"(10f6.3)") (xt(i),i=1,nmode) c c---------------------------------------------- open(unit=8, file="surfs."//trim(ext), status="replace") c write(8,"(2i5,' / number of interior surfaces')") nsurf, nfp c------------------------------------------------------- c start big loop over nmode c c write(8,"(2i5,' / nsurfs, nper')") nmode, nfp nsurf=0 ! count number of surfaces found do isurf=1,nmode c c look for surface with specified iota c ix=0 do js=2,ns-1 if( (iota(js).le.xt(isurf) .and. iota(js+1).gt.xt(isurf)) .or. + (iota(js).ge.xt(isurf) .and. iota(js+1).lt.xt(isurf)) .or. + (iota(js+1).eq.xt(isurf).and. js+1.eq.ns) ) then ! big if block if(iota(js+1) .ne. iota(js) ) then f=( xt(isurf) - iota(js) ) / ( iota(js+1) - iota(js) ) else f = 0. endif nsurf=nsurf+1 ix=js write(102,*) " Using VMEC surface # ", ix, + " with iota = ", iota(ix) c do imn=1,mnmax rmnc(imn)=rmnx(imn,ix)*(1.-f) + rmnx(imn,ix+1)*f zmns(imn)=zmnx(imn,ix)*(1.-f) + zmnx(imn,ix+1)*f lmns(imn)=lmnx(imn,ix)*(1.-f) + lmnx(imn,ix+1)*f drmnc(imn) = ( rmnx(imn,ix+1)-rmnx(imn,ix) )*float(ns) dzmns(imn) = ( zmnx(imn,ix+1)-zmnx(imn,ix) )*float(ns) bumnc(imn)=bsupumn(imn,ix)*(1.-f) + bsupumn(imn,ix+1)*f bvmnc(imn)=bsupvmn(imn,ix)*(1.-f) + bsupvmn(imn,ix+1)*f enddo c c c c Vmec gives (as a Fourier series) the function lambda(u,v) s.t. c u=um+lambda(u,v), where u,v are vmec poloidal and toroidal c angles, and um is the magnetic poloidal angle. c Find (as a Fourier series) the function amu(um,v) s.t. c um=u+amu(um,v). c do iv=1,nv u=0. v=(iv-1)*2.*pi/nv do iu=1,nu um=(iu-1)*2.*pi/nu if(iv.eq.1.and.iu.eq.1) then amu(1,1)=0. goto 777 endif icount=0 77 continue icount=icount+1 sum1=0. sum2=0. do imn=1,mnmax m=marray(imn) n=narray(imn) sum1=sum1+lmns(imn)*sin(m*u-n*v) sum2=sum2+m*lmns(imn)*cos(m*u-n*v) enddo udiff=(u-um+sum1)/(1.+sum2) u=u-udiff if(abs(udiff/u).gt.1.e-12) then if(icount.lt.500) goto 77 endif amu(iu,iv)=u-um 777 continue enddo enddo c do iu=1,nu do iv=1,nv amu_save(iu,iv)=amu(iu,iv) enddo enddo call fft2(nu,nv,amu,dummy,amus) c cc call check(dummy,amus,nu,nv,lmns,marray,narray,mnmax,ns) c c Transform rmnc, zmns to magnetic angles do iu=1,nu do iv=1,nv amu(iu,iv)=amu_save(iu,iv) enddo enddo do iv=1,nv v=(iv-1)*2.*pi/nv do iu=1,nu um=(iu-1)*2.*pi/nu u=um+amu(iu,iv) ! this is u corresponding to given um sumr=0. sumdr=0. sumbu=0. sumbv=0. do imn=1,mnmax m=marray(imn) n=narray(imn) sumr=sumr+rmnc(imn)*cos(m*u-n*v) sumdr=sumdr+drmnc(imn)*cos(m*u-n*v) sumbu=sumbu+bumnc(imn)*cos(m*u-n*v) sumbv=sumbv+bvmnc(imn)*cos(m*u-n*v) enddo r(iu,iv)=sumr dr(iu,iv)=sumdr bu(iu,iv)=sumbu bv(iu,iv)=sumbv enddo enddo call fft2(nu,nv,r,rmnc_mag,dummy) call fft2(nu,nv,dr,drmnc_mag,dummy) call fft2(nu,nv,bu,bumnc_mag,dummy) call fft2(nu,nv,bv,bvmnc_mag,dummy) c c do iv=1,nv v=(iv-1)*2.*pi/nv do iu=1,nu um=(iu-1)*2.*pi/nu u=um+amu(iu,iv) ! this is u corresponding to given um sumz=0. sumdz=0. do imn=1,mnmax m=marray(imn) n=narray(imn) sumz=sumz+zmns(imn)*sin(m*u-n*v) sumdz=sumdz+dzmns(imn)*sin(m*u-n*v) enddo z(iu,iv)=sumz dz(iu,iv)=sumdz enddo enddo call fft2(nu,nv,z,dummy,zmns_mag) call fft2(nu,nv,dz,dummy,dzmns_mag) c C write(6,*) ' m n rmnc_vmec zmns_vmec' C do imn=1,mnmax C write(6,617) marray(imn),narray(imn),rmnc(imn),zmns(imn) C enddo C write(6,*) ' m n rmnc_mag zmns_mag' c s=float(ix-1)/float(ns-1) write(8,"(2i5,1p4e15.7, +' / nmn, ix, s, phip, iota, iotap -VMEC Surface')") + nmn, ix, s, phip(ix), xt(isurf), (iotap(ix)*(1-f)+iotap(ix+1)*f) c do m=0,nu/2-1 do n=-nv/2+1,nv/2-1 write(8,617) m,n*nfp,rmnc_mag(m,n),zmns_mag(m,n), + drmnc_mag(m,n),dzmns_mag(m,n), + bumnc_mag(m,n),bvmnc_mag(m,n) 617 format(2i5,1p6e15.5) enddo enddo c write(8,"(i5,' / number of target modes ')") ntarget do it=1,ntarget write(8,"( 2i5,' 1.e4 0. 0 / m, n, weight, dstar, idstar' )") + mt(isurf)*it, nt(isurf)*it enddo c endif ! big if block enddo c if(ix.eq.0)then write(102,*) "No surface matches iota = ", xt(isurf) c stop endif c enddo ! big loop over nmode c close(8) c c------------------------------------------------------- c c deAllocate memory for local variables c deallocate(marray,narray,mb,nb,rmnc,zmns, + lmns,xt,iotap,mt,nt) return end cc subroutine fft2(m,n,x,xmnc,xmns) c c 2-D FFT of real function x(theta,phi) tabulated at m theta points and c n phi points to give Fourier series c x(theta,phi)=Sum_{k=0,...mmax,l=nmin,nmax} [xmnc*cos(k*theta+l*phi) c +xmns*sin(k*theta+l*phi)] where mmax=m/2, c nmax=n/2 and nmin=-n/2+1. c c n and m must be even. c c Input real data x(theta, phi) in array x(i,j) c with i=1,2,...m; j=1,2,...n such that c theta_i=(i-1)*2.*pi/m, phi_j=(j-1)*2.*pi/n c The y(i,j) array elements should all be set sero on input c c On output, the Fourier cosine and sine series are stored c in xmnc(i,j) and xmns(i,j), where i=0,...,m/2 and c j=-n/2+1,...,n/2 c use kind_spec implicit none integer :: i, j, k, l, m, n, ifail real(kind=rprec) :: + x(m,n),y(m,n),trigm(2*m),trign(2*n),work(2*m*n) real(kind=rprec), dimension(0:m/2,-n/2+1:n/2) :: xmnc,xmns character*1,init c do i=1,m do j=1,n y(i,j)=0. enddo enddo c init='i' ifail=1 call c06fuF(m,n,x,y,init,trigm,trign,work,ifail) c write(102,*) 'ifail = ',ifail c i=1 k=0 do j=1,n if(j.le.n/2) l=-(j-1) if(j.gt.n/2) l=n-j+1 xmnc(k,l)=x(i,j)/sqrt(float(m*n)) xmns(k,l)=y(i,j)/sqrt(float(m*n)) enddo c do i=m/2+1,m k=m-i+1 do j=1,n if(j.le.n/2) l=-(j-1) if(j.gt.n/2) l=n-j+1 xmnc(k,l)=2.*x(i,j)/sqrt(float(m*n)) xmns(k,l)=2.*y(i,j)/sqrt(float(m*n)) enddo enddo return end c*************************************************************** c c************************************************ subroutine get_coils c c Routine to generate coils files c use coil_data_mod ! use vmec_input use Vext implicit none integer :: istat, i !c !c !c get extcur data from vmec input file !c ! open(unit=iunit,file="input."//trim(ext),status="old", ! + iostat=istat) ! if(istat.ne.0) stop "docoils : error opening input.ext" !c ! read(iunit,indata,iostat=istat) ! if(istat.ne.0) stop "docoils : error reading input.ext" !c ! close(iunit) !c !c read in coil set consistent wit extcur data !c !C open(unit=iunit,file="coils."//trim(ext),status="old", !C + iostat=istat) !c !c get coil file name from MGRID_FILE inp vmec input !c ! i=index(mgrid_file,"mgrid",.TRUE.) ! if(i.eq.0)i=index(mgrid_file,"MGRID",.TRUE.) ! mgrid_file(i:i+4)="coils" ! open(unit=iunit,file=mgrid_file,status="old", ! + iostat=istat) open(unit=iunit,file=coilsfile,status="old",iostat=istat) if(istat.ne.0) stop "docoils : error opening coils.ext" call read_coil_data(iunit) close(iunit) c c save coil file extension c coilext = coilsfile(7:) ! assumes first six characters are "coils." c c write(*,*) write(*,"('Number of Coil Filament:', i8)") npts write(*,"('Number of Coils Read in:', i8)") ncoil write(*,"('Number of Groups Found :', i8)") ngroup write(*,"('Initial Coil Group Currents:')") write(*,606) (groupcur(i),i=1,ngroup) 606 format(1p5e15.5) c c ! do i=1,ngroup !C don't use input file extcur currents !C groupcur(i)=EXTCUR(i)*groupcur(i) ! old makegrid routine ! groupcur(i)=EXTCUR(i) ! new makegrid routine ! enddo c call write_coil_data(iunit) c write(*,"('Final Coil Group Currents:')") write(*,606) (groupcur(i),i=1,ngroup) c return end c************************************************ subroutine read_coil_data(iunit) use coil_data_mod implicit none c real(kind=rprec) :: x,y,z,c integer :: istat, i, iunit c ncoil=0 ! coil counter nfil=0 ! filament counter npts=0 ! point counter ( = nfil+1 ) istat=0 c c c c count lines and coils ( c=0. ) for array allocation c read(iunit,"(a32)") (top(i),i=1,3) c do while(istat .eq. 0 ) read(iunit,*,iostat=istat) x,y,z,c if(c.eq.0.)ncoil=ncoil+1 npts=npts+1 enddo C ngroup=ncoil ngroup=max(ncoil,100) ! fix for coil files group# exceeds #coils present npts=npts-1 c nfil=npts-1 write(102,*) npts," coil filaments read in " c allocate(xf(npts),yf(npts),zf(npts),cf(npts), + dx(nfil),dy(nfil),dz(nfil), + vx(nfil),vy(nfil),vz(nfil),fa(nfil) , + coilcur(ncoil),i1(ncoil),i2(ncoil),igroup(ncoil), + group(ncoil), groupcur(ngroup), ncoilgrp(ngroup) , stat=istat) if(istat.ne.0)stop "read_coil_data : allocatation error" c groupcur(:)=0. ! current in group igroup(:)=0 ! group id by coil ncoilgrp(:)=0 ! number of coils in group c rewind(iunit) c read(iunit,"(a32)") (top(i),i=1,3) c ncoil=0 npts=0 c do while(.TRUE.) ! do always ncoil=ncoil+1 i1(ncoil)=npts+1 ! starting filament of coil ncoil i=0 c=1. ! some non zero number do while (c.ne.0.) i=i+1 npts=npts+1 read(iunit,*,err=98,end=98) xf(npts),yf(npts),zf(npts),cf(npts) c=cf(npts) if(i.eq.1)coilcur(ncoil)=c enddo c c read group info c backspace(iunit) read(iunit,*) x,y,z,c,igroup(ncoil),group(ncoil) ncoilgrp(igroup(ncoil))=ncoilgrp(igroup(ncoil))+1 c c Normalize coil currents to first coil in group c if(ncoilgrp(igroup(ncoil)).eq.1) then groupcur(igroup(ncoil))=coilcur(ncoil) coilcur(ncoil)=1. else coilcur(ncoil)=coilcur(ncoil)/groupcur(igroup(ncoil)) endif c c i2(ncoil)=npts ! endding filament of coil ncoil enddo 98 ncoil=ncoil-1 ! should end coil with 0. current ( if not, this throw npts=npts-1 ngroup=maxval(igroup) ! number of coils groups c return end c************************************************ subroutine write_coil_data(iunit) use coil_data_mod implicit none c integer :: ic, i, ig, iunit c c write out new coil_data file c do ic=1,ncoil ig=igroup(ic) do i=i1(ic),i2(ic)-1 cf(i)=coilcur(ic)*groupcur(ig) c write(iunit,"(4(1pe13.6,2x))") xf(i),yf(i),zf(i),cf(i) enddo cf(i2(ic))=0. CC write(iunit,"(4(1pe13.6,2x),i5,2x,a16)") xf(i),yf(i),zf(i),cf(i), c + igroup(ic),group(ic) enddo c return end c*********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** c*********************************************************************** subroutine precal1(np) c c 01/01/89 c excepted from NESCOIL subroutine "precal" c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use Vmeshes use Vprecal implicit none integer :: m, n, ku, kv, np c pi = 2.*asin(1.) pi2 = 2. * pi alp = pi2 / float(np) alu = pi2 / float(nu) alv = pi2 / float(nv) alvp = pi2 / float(nv*np) c do m=0,md do ku=1,nu comu(ku,m) = cos(m*alu*(ku-1)) simu(ku,m) = sin(m*alu*(ku-1)) enddo enddo c do n=0,nd do kv=1,nv conv(kv,n) = cos(n*alv*(kv-1)) sinv(kv,n) = sin(n*alv*(kv-1)) enddo enddo c do kv=1,nv coh(kv)= cos(alvp*(kv-1)) sih(kv)= sin(alvp*(kv-1)) enddo c return end c*********************************************************************** subroutine coilfld4 (xp,yp,zp, bx,by,bz) c use kind_spec use Vmeshes use coil_data_mod implicit none c real(kind=rprec) :: xp,yp,zp, bx,by,bz real(kind=rprec) :: ax, ay, az, r1, r2, r12, sdot real(kind=rprec) :: xp1, yp1, zp1, xp2, yp2, zp2 integer :: i c do i=1,nfil if(cf(i).ne.0.)then dx(i) = (xf(i+1) - xf(i))*cf(i) dy(i) = (yf(i+1) - yf(i))*cf(i) dz(i) = (zf(i+1) - zf(i))*cf(i) vx(i) = yf(i)*dz(i) - zf(i)*dy(i) vy(i) = zf(i)*dx(i) - xf(i)*dz(i) vz(i) = xf(i)*dy(i) - yf(i)*dx(i) xp1 = xp - xf(i) yp1 = yp - yf(i) zp1 = zp - zf(i) r1 = sqrt(xp1*xp1 + yp1*yp1 + zp1*zp1) xp2 = xp - xf(i+1) yp2 = yp - yf(i+1) zp2 = zp - zf(i+1) r2 = sqrt(xp2*xp2 + yp2*yp2 + zp2*zp2) r12 = r2*r1 fa(i) = (r2 + r1)/ $ (r12*(r12 + xp2*xp1 + yp2*yp1 + zp2*zp1)) else fa(i)=0. endif enddo ax = dot_product(fa,dx) ay = dot_product(fa,dy) az = dot_product(fa,dz) bx = dot_product(fa,vx) - yp*az+zp*ay by = dot_product(fa,vy) - zp*ax+xp*az bz = dot_product(fa,vz) - xp*ay+yp*ax bx=bx*1.e-7 by=by*1.e-7 bz=bz*1.e-7 c return end c c************************************************************ subroutine island_size c c routine reads in additional interior surfaces c and gerates entries in G matrix for each resonance targeted c use Vmeshes use Vsurfdata, ONLY: nts,mtar,ntar,ds2,nsurf,bnavg,bs,ntarget, + bmns, bmnc, bnmax, noreadwout, dsur, rprec,star, xiotap, xiotaps use read_wout_mod, ONLY: np => nfp use Vext use coil_data_mod, ONLY : coilext implicit none integer :: i, j, k, isurf,istat,nmode, ii, kk real(kind=rprec) :: ds, drho c open(unit=iunit, file="surfs."//trim(ext), status="old") c if(noreadwout.eq.1)then ! need data normally found in wout file c read(iunit,*) nmode, np ! number of additional interior surfaces c if(nsurf.eq.0)return c endif c nts=0 ! total number of targets for all surfaces C call precal1(np) call precal1(1) c istat=0 nsurf=0 do while(istat.eq.0) call readsurf(istat) ! read surface and targeted resonances ( Modified NESCOIL Routine ) if(istat.eq.0)then call surface1 ! evaluate mesh points and normals on surface ( NESCOIL Routine ) call bdotn ! calculate b.n on interior surfaces call bdotn2bmn ! convert b.n to bmn for targeted resona bs=abs(bs) ! lets assume were finished with bs at this point C bnavg(i)=sum(bs(1:nu)) + 2*sum(bs(nu+1:nuvh-nu)) + C + sum(bs(nuvh-nu+1:nuvh)) nsurf=nsurf+1 bnavg(nsurf)=sum(bs(1:nuv)) bnavg(nsurf) = bnavg(nsurf) / sum(dsur(1:nuv)) bnmax(nsurf)=maxval(bs(1:nuv)/dsur(1:nuv)) xiotaps(nsurf)=xiotap endif enddo c close(iunit) c c output island sizes c c open(unit=8,file="visldout."//trim(ext), status="replace") open(unit=8,file="visldout."//trim(coilext), status="replace") c write(8,"(i5,' / Number of surfaces')") nsurf write(8,"('Vacuum Island Size and Avg B.n' + /' m n ds drho b.n_avg, T + b.n_max, T bmns bmnc')") do isurf=1,nsurf do j=1,ntarget i=(isurf-1)*ntarget + j ! print out all modes per surface ds=sqrt(abs(ds2(i))) ! island size based on single mode drho=ds/2/sqrt(star(i)) write(8,"(2i5,1p6e15.6)") mtar(i),-ntar(i), ds,drho, + bnavg(isurf), bnmax(isurf), bmns(i),bmnc(i) enddo c c calculate net island size from all modes c k=(isurf-1)*ntarget + 1 ! first mode per surface xiotap=xiotaps(isurf) call analytic_island(mtar(k),bmns(k),bmnc(k),ntarget,xiotap, ds) drho=ds/2/sqrt(star(i)) write(8,"(2i5,1p5e15.6)") mtar(k),-ntar(k), ds,drho, + bnavg(isurf) enddo c close(8) c open(unit=8,file="visldout",status="unknown",position="append") write(8,"(a16,1p16e15.6)") coilext, + ( sqrt(abs(ds2(i))), i=1,nsurf*ntarget) close(8) c open(unit=8,file="bmns",status="unknown",position="append") write(8,"(a16,1p6e15.6,10(/16x,1p6e15.6))") coilext, + ( bmns(i),bmnc(i), i=1,nsurf*ntarget) close(8) c return end c*********************************************************************** subroutine readsurf(istat) c c 09/15/99 c modified NESCOIL subroutine c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use Vmeshes use Vsurfdata use Vext use read_wout_mod, ONLY: np => nfp implicit none c integer :: m,n,mr,nr,i, k,istat real(kind=rprec) :: crin, czin, dcrin, dczin,buin,bvin c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c read plasma interior surface c do 30 m = 0,md do 30 n = -nd,nd cr(m,n) = 0. cz(m,n) = 0. 30 continue c ms = 0 ns = 0 read(iunit,*,iostat=istat) ntotal, js, s, phip, xiota, xiotap if(istat.ne.0)return c phip=phip*np ! TMP corrects Jacobian in B dot Grad phi == 1/J * dPhi/ds. c NOTE: if s = 0., Island Width not calculated. Bmn only calculated. imn = ntotal do 40 k=1,ntotal read(iunit,*) mr,nr,crin,czin, dcrin, dczin, buin,bvin icm(k) = mr icn(k) = nr cr(mr, nr) = crin cz(mr, nr) = czin dcr(mr, nr) = dcrin dcz(mr, nr) = dczin cbu(mr, nr) = buin cbv(mr, nr) = bvin ms = max0(ms,iabs(mr)) ns = max0(ns,iabs(nr)) 40 continue c do 90 i=0,ms cr (i,0) = .5*cr (i,0) cz (i,0) = .5*cz (i,0) dcr (i,0) = .5*dcr (i,0) dcz (i,0) = .5*dcz (i,0) cbu (i,0) = .5*cbu (i,0) cbv (i,0) = .5*cbv (i,0) 90 continue c c c read resonances to target on this surface C NOTE: for vacisld5, no symmetry assumed. C Must input ntar for 360 deg, not single period c read(iunit,*) ntarget ! number of modes to target on surface do i=1+nts, ntarget+nts read(iunit, *) mtar(i), ntar(i), wtar(i), dstar(i),idstar(i) enddo c c save s as a function of nts c do i=1+nts, ntarget+nts star(i)=s enddo c return end c*********************************************************************** subroutine surface1 c c 01/01/89 c modified NESCOIL subroutine c c c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- use Vmeshes use Vprecal use Vsurfdata implicit none c integer :: i, m, n, ku, kv,isid real(kind=rprec) :: cofp, cofm, sifp, sifm, cm, cn,f,fx,fy,fz,pow c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- c outer surface 1 do 10 i=1,nuv r(i) = 0. z(i) = 0. rs(i) = 0. zs(i) = 0. ru(i) = 0. zu(i) = 0. rv(i) = 0. zv(i) = 0. bu(i) = 0. bv(i) = 0. 10 continue do 20 m = 0,ms do 20 n = 0,ns cm = m*pi2 cn = n*pi2 i = 0 do 20 kv = 1 , nv do 20 ku = 1 , nu i = i + 1 cofp = comu(ku,m)*conv(kv,n)-simu(ku,m)*sinv(kv,n) cofm = comu(ku,m)*conv(kv,n)+simu(ku,m)*sinv(kv,n) sifp = simu(ku,m)*conv(kv,n)+comu(ku,m)*sinv(kv,n) sifm = simu(ku,m)*conv(kv,n)-comu(ku,m)*sinv(kv,n) r(i) = r(i) + cr(m,n)*cofp + cr(m,-n)*cofm z(i) = z(i) + cz(m,n)*sifp + cz(m,-n)*sifm rs(i) = rs(i) + dcr(m,n)*cofp + dcr(m,-n)*cofm zs(i) = zs(i) + dcz(m,n)*sifp + dcz(m,-n)*sifm ru(i) = ru(i) - cm * ( cr(m,n)*sifp + cr(m,-n)*sifm ) rv(i) = rv(i) - cn * ( cr(m,n)*sifp - cr(m,-n)*sifm ) zu(i) = zu(i) + cm * ( cz(m,n)*cofp + cz(m,-n)*cofm ) zv(i) = zv(i) + cn * ( cz(m,n)*cofp - cz(m,-n)*cofm ) bu(i) = bu(i) + cbu(m,n)*cofp + cbu(m,-n)*cofm bv(i) = bv(i) + cbv(m,n)*cofp + cbv(m,-n)*cofm 20 continue do 50 kv = 1 , nv do 50 ku = 1,nu i = nu*(kv-1)+ku x(i) = coh(kv) * r(i) y(i) = sih(kv) * r(i) xu(i) = coh(kv) * ru(i) yu(i) = sih(kv) * ru(i) xv(i) = coh(kv) * rv(i) - alp*y(i) yv(i) = sih(kv) * rv(i) + alp*x(i) xs(i) = coh(kv) * rs(i) ys(i) = sih(kv) * rs(i) 50 continue do 60 i = 1 , nuv snx(i) = yu(i)*zv(i)-zu(i)*yv(i) sny(i) = zu(i)*xv(i)-xu(i)*zv(i) snz(i) = xu(i)*yv(i)-yu(i)*xv(i) dsur(i)= sqrt(snx(i)*snx(i)+sny(i)*sny(i)+snz(i)*snz(i)) ex(i) = ys(i)*zu(i)-zs(i)*yu(i) ey(i) = zs(i)*xu(i)-xs(i)*zu(i) ez(i) = xs(i)*yu(i)-ys(i)*xu(i) CCAWB make sn a unit normal ( if solving for B dot n ) C snx(i) = snx(i) / dsur(i) C sny(i) = sny(i) / dsur(i) C snz(i) = snz(i) / dsur(i) c c convert from d/du to d/dth... c snx(i)=snx(i)/pi2/pi2 sny(i)=sny(i)/pi2/pi2 snz(i)=snz(i)/pi2/pi2 dsur(i)=dsur(i)/pi2/pi2 ex(i)=ex(i)/pi2 ey(i)=ey(i)/pi2 ez(i)=ez(i)/pi2 60 continue return end c*********************************************************************** subroutine bdotn c c routine evaluates B.n on interior surfaces c use Vmeshes use coil_data_mod use Vsurfdata implicit none integer :: i real(kind=rprec) :: xp, yp, zp, pi2, bx, by, bz real(kind=rprec) :: xpi, ypi, zpi real(kind=rprec) :: f,fx,fy,fz,pow, rp, sn, ap integer :: isid, idum c pi2=asin(1.)*4. bs(1:nuv)=0. c do i=1,nuv xp = x(i) yp = y(i) zp = z(i) c call coilfld4(xp,yp,zp, bx,by,bz) read(11,*) idum,xpi,ypi,zpi,bx,by,bz C call testfld(xp,yp,zp, bx,by,bz) bs(i)=snx(i)*bx + sny(i)*by + snz(i)*bz CC bp(i)=ex(i)*bx + ey(i)*by + ez(i)*bz bp(i)=phip ! *pi2 Not needed according to Steve - see chkwout code ( suv.x ) c bp=sqrt(xp*xp+yp*yp)*0.125 ! b dot Grad Phi ( times J ) for test field c write(77,"(1p2e12.4)") bp(i),bv(i) c bp(i)=bp(i)+bv(i) ! add vmec field bsbp(i)=bs(i)/bp(i) C write(21,"('GRID ',I8,8X,3f8.5)")i,x(i),y(i),z(i) C isid=1 C f=sqrt(bx**2+by**2+bz**2) C if(f.ne.0.)then C pow=float(int(log10(f)+20.)-20) C f=10.**pow C fx=bx/f C fy=by/f C fz=bz/f C endif C write(21,"('FORCE ',2I8,8X,1pe8.1,0p3f8.5)")isid,i,f,fx,fy,fz C isid=2 C f=sqrt(snx(i)**2+sny(i)**2+snz(i)**2) C if(f.ne.0.)then C pow=float(int(log10(f)+20.)-20) C f=10.**pow C fx=bx/f C fy=by/f C fz=bz/f C endif C write(21,"('FORCE ',2I8,8X,1pe8.1,0p3f8.5)")isid,i,f,fx,fy,fz C sn=sqrt(snx(i)**2+sny(i)**2+snz(i)**2) C rp=sqrt(xp*xp+yp*yp) C ap=sqrt( (rp-1.5)**2+zp**2) C write(21,"(i5,1p4e12.4)") i, rp, ap, sn, sn/rp/ap enddo c return end c*********************************************************************** subroutine bdotn2bmn c use Vmeshes use Vsurfdata use Vprecal implicit none c integer :: i c do i=1,ntarget nts=nts+1 call fourtr(bsbp,nu,nv, mtar(nts),ntar(nts), bmns(nts),bmnc(nts)) bmn(nts)=sqrt(bmns(nts)**2+bmnc(nts)**2) if(phip.ne.0.)then c ds2(nts)=bmn(nts)/phip*1.e-7/(pi2**3)/(mtar(nts)*xiotap )*16. ds2(nts)=bmn(nts)/(mtar(nts)*xiotap )*16. else ds2(nts)=bmn(nts) endif c enddo c return end c*********************************************************************** subroutine fourtr(b,nu,nv, m,n, bmns,bmnc) c calculate fourier sin harmonics c assumes m >= 0 modes retained use kind_spec implicit none integer :: nu, nv, m, n, i, iu, iv real(kind=rprec), dimension(nu*nv) :: b real(kind=rprec) :: bmns, bmnc, pi2, f, du, dv, u, v c pi2=asin(1.)*4. du=1./nu dv=1./nv bmns=0. bmnc=0. i=0 do iv=1,nv do iu=1,nu i=i+1 u=du*(iu-1) v=dv*(iv-1) bmns=bmns+b(i)*sin((m*u+n*v)*pi2) bmnc=bmnc+b(i)*cos((m*u+n*v)*pi2) enddo enddo bmns=bmns*du*dv*2. bmnc=bmnc*du*dv*2. if(m.eq.0 .and. n.eq.0)bmns=bmns/2. if(m.eq.0 .and. n.eq.0)bmnc=bmnc/2. c note: assumes routine will calculate harmonics for 0,n but not 0,-n c these are not independent and are combined c by eliminating 0,-n and doubling bmns(0,-n) c by eliminating 0,-n and doubling bmnc(0,-n) c It also assumes m < 0 modes not present. c ( these have been combined with m > 0 modes ) return end !c*********************************************************************** ! subroutine berr2d2(fac) !c convert from berr to Island size ( or just [( B dot Grad s ) / ( B dot !c Grad phi )] ) !c ! use Vmeshes ! use Vfilaments ! use Vsvddata ! use Vsurfdata ! use Vflags !c !c----------------------- !c Up to here , we have B dot ( dR/du cross dR/dv ) !c which differs from B dot n by |dR/du cross dR/dv| !c !c what we are trying to target is really [( B dot Grad s ) / ( B dot Gr !c ad phi )] !c where s is the normalized flux ( Psi ) coordinate !c and phi is the toroidal coordinate in straight line coordinates !c !c !c Grad s is just 1/J * ( dR/dtheta cross dR/dphi ) !c where J is the Jacobian !c R is the position vector of a point on the surface !c and theta and phi are the straight line coordinates !c !c B dot Grad phi is taken from VMEC as just 1/J * ( dPhi/ds ) !c ( reminder: Psi is flux, but psi is the toroidal coord ) !c Note we are assuming B dot Grad phi does not change (much) relative !c to B dot Grad s !c We neeed to do this to be able to linearize the problem. !c !c Therefore [( B dot Grad s ) / ( B dot Grad phi )] is just !c B dot ( dR/dtheta cross dR/dphi ) / ( dPsi/ds ) !c ( independent of J !! ) !c !c We need to keep track of all the "constants" floating about. !c To convert to dR/du to dR/dtheta must divide by 2*pi !c To convert to dR/dv to dR/dphi must divide again by 2*pi !c dPsi/ds is taken from VMEC ( phip ) which must be multiplyed by 2*pi !c B is calculated from normalized currents and must be multiplied by Ipo !c l !c There is also a factor of 1e-7 for B. !c Therefore, !c !c [( B dot Grad s ) / ( B dot Grad phi )] = !c !c B dot ( dR/du cross dR/dv ) *Ipol/phip*1.e-7/(2*pi)**3 !c !c----------------------- !c to target Island size instead of ( B dot Grad s ) / ( B dot Grad phi ) !c we target d**2 = 16 * [( B dot Grad s ) / ( B dot Grad phi )] / ( m * !c xiotap ) !c !c where d == ds is in normalized flux units ( alla s ) !c !c To convert to rho=sqrt(s), drho=ds/2/sqrt(s) !c----------------------- !c ! pi2=asin(1.)*4. !c !c ! fac=curpol/phip*1.e-7/(pi2**3)/(mtar(nts)*xiotap )*16. !c fac=curpol/phip*1.e-7/(pi2**3) !c ! return ! end subroutine testfld (xp,yp,zp, bx,by,bz) use testfield implicit none real(kind=rprec) :: xp, yp, zp, bx, by, bz real(kind=rprec) :: rp, ap, xiota, bphi, bth, bn, th, phi, br,btot c c routine generates a simple field pattern which c produces nested circular toroidal flux surfaces c with prescibed linear iota profile c also includes ideal perturbation field c c psuedo field c rp=sqrt(xp*xp+yp*yp) ap=sqrt( (rp-rc)**2 + zp**2 ) c xiota=xiota0 + (xiota1-xiota0)*ap/ac c phi=atan2(yp,xp) if(rp-rc .eq. 0. .and. zp .eq. 0.)then th=0. else th=atan2(zp,rp-rc) endif c C bphi=rp C bth=ap*xiota C bn=0. C if(ap.gt.ac*.1)bn=bmnx*sin(mx*th+nx*phi) bphi=rc/rp bth=bphi*ap/rp*xiota bn=0. if(ap.gt.ac*.1)bn=bmnx*sin(mx*th+nx*phi)*bphi/rp c br=-bth*sin(th)+bn*cos(th) bz=bth*cos(th)+bn*sin(th) c bx=br*cos(phi) - bphi*sin(phi) by=br*sin(phi) + bphi*cos(phi) btot=sqrt(bx*bx+by*by+bz*bz) c bx=bx*1.e7 by=by*1.e7 bz=bz*1.e7 c return end c************************************************* subroutine analytic_island(m,bms,bmc,nm, xiotap, ds) c routine constructs ( 'traces' ) islands based on shear and resonant perturbations use kind_spec implicit none c integer i, j, k, nm, nsurf, nth real(kind=rprec) :: pi2,xiotap,ds,smax,s,s2,th,th0 real(kind=rprec), dimension(nm) :: bms, bmc integer, dimension(nm) :: m nth=100 nsurf=100 pi2=asin(1.)*4. c smax=0. do j=0,nsurf th0=pi2/m(1)*j/nsurf do i=0,nth th=pi2/m(1)*i/nth s2=0. do k=1,nm s2=s2+2.*bms(k)/m(k)/xiotap*(cos(m(k)*th0)-cos(m(k)*th)) s2=s2-2.*bmc(k)/m(k)/xiotap*(sin(m(k)*th0)-sin(m(k)*th)) enddo s=0. if(s2.gt.0.)then s=sqrt(s2) smax=max(smax,s) endif enddo enddo c ds=smax*2. return end