/prep7 ! itf= 12*itf ipf1= 72*ipf1 ipf2= 72*ipf2 ipf3= 72*ipf3 ipf4= 80*ipf4 ipf5= 24*ipf5 ipf6= 14*ipf6 ! imda=imda*22 ! 2T high bata at t=0 imdb=imdb*22 imdc=imdc*20 ! rmodif,1,2,ipla ! ! enter currents for wp1 coil ! cmsel,s,cn1ua cmsel,a,cn1da cmsel,a,cn2ua cmsel,a,cn2da cmsel,a,cn3ua cmsel,a,cn3da d,all,volt,0.0 ! cmsel,s,cn1ub *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,imda ! cmsel,s,cn1db *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,imda ! cmsel,s,cn2ub *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,imdb ! cmsel,s,cn2db *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,imdb ! cmsel,s,cn3ub *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,imdc ! cmsel,s,cn3db *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,imdc ! ! enter currents for tf coils ! ainc=51 aed=228 abg=217 *do,i,1,6 crp=(i-1)*ainc+aed asel,s,area,,crp nsla,s,1 d,all,volt,0.0 ! clp=(i-1)*ainc+abg asel,s,area,,clp nsla,s,1 *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,itf *enddo allsel ! ! enter currents for pf coils ! *dim,ipf,,6 ! currents *vfill,ipf(1),data,ipf1,ipf2,ipf3,ipf4,ipf5,ipf6 *dim,pfv,,6,2 ! v(1)-start, v(2)-end *vfill,pfv(1,1),data,79,80,81,5,3,1 *vfill,pfv(1,2),data,82,83,84,6,4,2 ! csys,1 *do,i,1,6 vsel,s,volu,,pfv(i,1) ! upper vsel,a,volu,,pfv(i,2) ! lower nslv,s,1 nsel,r,loc,y,60,60 d,all,volt,0.0 ! vsel,s,volu,,pfv(i,1) nslv,s,1 nsel,r,loc,y,-60,-60 *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,ipf(i) vsel,s,volu,,pfv(i,2) nslv,s,1 nsel,r,loc,y,-60,-60 *get,n2,node,,num,min cp,next,volt,all f,n2,amps,ipf(i) *enddo allsel ! ! nrotat,all ! nrotat,all d,all,mag,0 d,all,temp,0 ! eplot finish ! /sol emsym,3 solve ! biot,new solve save,file,db finish ! ! ********** Megnetic-Structural Analysis *********** ! /prep7 ! ! delete cp, dof constraints and f ! allsel cpdele,all,,,any ddele,all,temp ddele,all,mag ddele,all,volt fdele,all,amps ! esel,s,type,,6 ! delete plasma elements nsle edele,all ndele,all allsel etdele,6 mpdele,all,1,8,1 csdele,11,44,11 nummrg,node ! close gaps for currents input nummrg,kp eplot ! ! transfer em model to stress model, read FMAG ! ! modify elements ! et,1,45,,,,1 ! modular coils type A et,2,45,,,,1 ! modular coils type B et,3,45,,,,1 ! modular coils type C et,4,45,,,,1 ! TF coils et,5,45,,,,1 ! PF coils et,6,92 ! et,7,200,6 ! TF wedge ! mp,EX,1,0.63e+011 ! modular coil mp,GXY,1,0.2625e+011 mp,GYZ,1,0.525e+09 mp,GXZ,1,0.525e+09 mp,EX,2,1.20e+011 ! TF coil mp,EX,3,1.20e+011 ! PF coil mp,EX,4,1.45e+011 ! TF wedge mp,NUXY,1,0.20 mp,NUXY,2,0.33 mp,NUXY,3,0.33 mp,NUXY,4,0.31 mp,ALPX,1,1.72e-05 mp,ALPX,2,1.60e-05 mp,ALPX,3,1.60e-05 mp,ALPX,4,1.70e-05 mp,DENS,1,8500 mp,DENS,2,8300 mp,DENS,3,8300 mp,DENS,4,7750 ! esel,s,mat,,1,2 ! coil type A emodif,all,mat,1 emodif,all,type,1 esel,s,mat,,3,4 ! coil type B emodif,all,mat,1 emodif,all,type,2 esel,s,mat,,5,6 ! coil type A emodif,all,mat,1 emodif,all,type,3 ! esel,s,mat,,7 ! TF coil emodif,all,mat,2 emodif,all,type,4 esel,s,mat,,8 ! PF coil emodif,all,mat,3 emodif,all,type,5 local,11,1 emodif,all,esys,11 etdele,7 allsel ! ! Meshing TF wedge elements ! csys,1 vsel,s,volu,,7,18 esize,0.082 !0.05 type,6 mat,4 vmesh,all ! vgen,2,13,,,,120,0,,0,0 vclear,13 vdele,13,,,1 allsel ! ! contact elements between tf and tf wedge ! et,7,targe170,1 et,8,conta173,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! keyo,8,2,2 ! MPC contact keyo,8,12,5 ! bonded always keyo,8,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,7,0.0 ! r,11,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! left-hand sides r,12,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,13,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,14,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,15,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,16,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,21,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! right-hand sides r,22,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,23,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,24,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,25,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,26,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! *do,i,1,6 local,12,0,0,0,0,-50+(i-1)*20 vsel,s,volu,,19+(i-1)*10,28+(i-1)*10 vsel,r,loc,x,0,0.75 aslv cm,atf,area asel,r,loc,y,-0.045,-0.043 nsla,s,1 esln mat,7 $real,10+i $type,8 esurf ! vsel,s,volu,,7,18 aslv asel,r,loc,y,-0.045,-0.043 nsla,s,1 esln mat,7 $real,10+i $type,7 esurf ! cmsel,s,atf asel,r,loc,y,0.043,0.045 nsla,s,1 esln mat,7 $real,20+i $type,8 esurf ! vsel,s,volu,,7,18 vsel,a,volu,,85 aslv asel,r,loc,y,0.043,0.045 nsla,s,1 esln mat,7 $real,20+i $type,7 esurf *enddo ! ! cyclic boundary constraints ! allsel csys,1 nrotat,all cpcyc,all,0.0001,1,0,120,0 ! !!!!! should not compress nodes !!!! ! ldread,forc,last lswrite,1 ! cdwrite,comb,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_filem1,cdb finish ! ! ********* Form model w/ TF, PF, and MC ************** ! /clear,nostart ! resume,new-tf_pf_mcwf\tfpf-bk1r,db ! *** tfpf bracket ! /prep7 cdread,comb,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_filem1,cdb ! add coils, wedge ! save,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_tfpfmc-bk1r,db vclear,79,84,1 ! PF 1,2, 1nd 3 vdele,79,84,1,1 ! ! add shims on pf5 and pf6 interfaces ! mp,ex,8,0.34e+11 ! G10/G11 mp,ey,8,0.34e+11 mp,ez,8,0.34e+11 mp,gxy,8,0.14e+11/50 mp,gyz,8,0.14e+11 mp,gxz,8,0.14e+11 mp,nuyz,8,0.22 mp,nuxz,8,0.22 mp,NUXY,8,0.22 mp,ALPX,8,2.9e-05 mp,dens,8,1957 ! vsel,none z1=0.0136652 z2=0.019431 z3=0.0033274 csys,1 asel,s,loc,z,1.435,1.436 ! upper PF5 coil asel,u,loc,x,2.08,2.22 csys,0 vext,all,,,0,0,z1 csys,1 asel,s,loc,z,-1.436,-1.435 ! lower PF5 coil asel,u,loc,x,2.08,2.22 csys,0 vext,all,,,0,0,-z1 csys,1 asel,s,loc,z,0.8413,0.8414 ! upper PF6 coil asel,u,loc,x,2.63,2.68 asel,u,loc,x,2.72,2.80 csys,0 vext,all,,,0,0,z2 csys,1 asel,s,loc,z,-0.8414,-0.8413 ! lower PF6 coil asel,u,loc,x,2.63,2.68 asel,u,loc,x,2.72,2.80 csys,0 vext,all,,,0,0,-z2 asel,s,area,,4257,4406,149 ! upper PF4 coil vext,all,,,0,0,-z3 asel,s,area,,4562,4718,156 ! lower PF4 coil vext,all,,,0,0,z3 aslv mat,8 $real,1 $type,9 esize,0.04 vsweep,all allsel ! ! contact elements for PF brackets ! et,41,targe170,0 et,42,conta174,0,0,0,0,0,0 keyo,42,12,5 ! bonded always ! keyo,42,12,4 ! no saparation always keyo,42,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,41,0.0 ! r,41,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! PF4 upper r,42,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! PF4 lower r,43,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! PF5 upper r,44,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! PF5 lower r,45,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! PF6 upper r,46,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! PF6 lower ! asel,s,area,,5282,5287,5 ! upper PF4 coil nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,41 $type,42 esurf asel,s,area,,30 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,41 $type,41 esurf ! asel,s,area,,5292,5297,5 ! lower PF4 coil nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,42 $type,42 esurf asel,s,area,,36 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,42 $type,41 esurf ! asel,s,loc,z,1.435+z1,1.436+z1 ! upper PF5 coil asel,u,area,,16 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,43 $type,42 esurf asel,s,area,,16 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,43 $type,41 esurf ! asel,s,loc,z,-1.436-z1,-1.435-z1 ! lower PF5 coil asel,u,area,,22 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,44 $type,42 esurf asel,s,area,,22 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,44 $type,41 esurf ! asel,s,loc,z,0.8413+z2,0.8414+z2 ! upper PF6 coil asel,u,area,,4 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,45 $type,42 esurf asel,s,area,,4 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,45 $type,41 esurf ! asel,s,loc,z,-0.8414-z2,-0.8413-z2 ! lower PF6 coil asel,u,area,,10 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,46 $type,42 esurf asel,s,area,,10 nsla,s,1 esln mat,41 $real,46 $type,41 esurf ! ! contact elements for TF coil and shim ! et,51,targe170,0 et,52,conta174,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! keyo,52,12,5 ! bonded always keyo,52,12,0 keyo,52,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,52,0.0 ! r,51,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! side shim r,52,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,53,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,54,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,55,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,56,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,57,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! top/bot shim r,58,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,59,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,60,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,61,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 r,62,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! ! *** TF coil contact elements *** ! *dim,tfcc,char,12 *set,tfcc(1),'tfsd1','tfsd2','tfsd3','tfsd4','tfsd5','tfsd6' *set,tfcc(7),'tftb1','tftb2','tftb3','tftb4','tftb5','tftb6' ! csys,1 vsel,s,mat,,7 ! tf coil aslv asel,r,loc,x,1.0,2.40 cm,atf6,area ! *do,i,1,6 cmsel,s,%tfcc(i)% ! TF 1-6 esln,s,0 mat,52 $real,50+i $type,52 esurf cmsel,s,atf6 ii=(i-1)*20 asel,r,loc,y,-55+ii,-45+ii asel,u,loc,y,-50+ii,-50+ii nsla,s,1 esln type,51 esurf ! cmsel,s,%tfcc(6+i)% esln,s,0 mat,52 $real,56+i $type,52 esurf cmsel,s,atf6 ii=(i-1)*20 asel,r,loc,y,-50+ii,-50+ii nsla,s,1 esln type,51 esurf *enddo allsel ! save,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_tfpfmc-bk1r,db ! ! ************* add model w/ MCWF ************** ! SHPP,OFF,,NOWARN cdread,db,new-tf_pf_mcwf\file_nl2rv,cdb ! mcwf from top ! ! *** shell and MC contact elements *** ! esys,0 *dim,ccoil,char,24 *dim,cshll,char,24 ! *set,ccoil(1),'carr3n','carr2n','carl3n','carl2n' *set,ccoil(5),'calr3n','calr2n','call3n','call2n' *set,ccoil(9),'cbrr3n','cbrr2n','cbrl3n','cbrl2n' *set,ccoil(13),'cblr3n','cblr2n','cbll3n','cbll2n' *set,ccoil(17),'ccrr3n','ccrr2n','ccrl3n','ccrl2n' *set,ccoil(21),'cclr3n','cclr2n','ccll3n','ccll2n' ! *set,cshll(1),'t1ufr','t1ubr','t1ufl','t1ubl' *set,cshll(5),'t1dfr','t1dbr','t1dfl','t1dbl' *set,cshll(9),'t2ufr','t2ubr','t2ufl','t2ubl' *set,cshll(13),'t2dfr','t2dbr','t2dfl','t2dbl' *set,cshll(17),'t3ufr','t3ubr','t3ufl','t3ubl' *set,cshll(21),'t3dfr','t3dbr','t3dfl','t3dbl' ! r,201,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,202,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,203,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,204,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,205,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,206,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,207,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,208,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,209,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,210,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,211,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,212,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,213,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,214,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,215,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,216,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,217,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,218,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,219,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,220,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,221,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,222,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,223,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 r,224,0,0,1,0,0,0.5 ! et,201,targe170,1 et,202,conta173,0,0,0,0,0,0 ! keyo,202,2,2 ! MPC contact keyo,202,12,5 ! bonded always keyo,202,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,201,0.0 ! ! contact elements ! *do,i,1,24 cmsel,s,%cshll(i)% esln mat,201 $real,200+i $type,201 esurf ! cmsel,s,%ccoil(i)% esln type,202 esurf *enddo ! ! *** TF bracket and mcwf contact elements *** ! cmgrp,st2g,st2dto,st2dbo,st2dti,st2dbi cmgrp,st3g,st1dto,st1dbo,st1dti,st1dbi cmgrp,st4g,st1uto,st1ubo,st1uti,st1ubi cmgrp,st5g,st2uto,st2ubo,st2uti,st2ubi ! et,225,targe170,1 et,226,conta174,0,0,0,0,0,0 keyo,226,12,5 ! bonded always keyo,226,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,225,0.0 ! r,225,0,0,8,0,0,0.3 r,226,0,0,8,0,0,0.3 r,227,0,0,8,0,0,0.3 r,228,0,0,8,0,0,0.3 r,229,0,0,8,0,0,0.3 r,230,0,0,8,0,0,0.3 ! esel,s,type,,22 ! shell type C-L nsle nsel,u,loc,z,-1.198,1.198 mat,225 $real,225 $type,225 esurf cmsel,s,mcjt1 esln,s,0 type,226 esurf ! cmsel,s,st2g ! shell type B-L esln,s,0 mat,225 $real,226 $type,225 esurf cmsel,s,mcjt2 esln,s,0 type,226 esurf ! cmsel,s,st3g ! shell type A-L esln,s,0 mat,225 $real,227 $type,225 esurf cmsel,s,mcjt3 esln,s,0 type,226 esurf ! cmsel,s,st4g ! shell type A-R esln,s,0 mat,225 $real,228 $type,225 esurf cmsel,s,mcjt4 esln,s,0 type,226 esurf ! cmsel,s,st5g ! shell type B-R esln,s,0 mat,225 $real,229 $type,225 esurf cmsel,s,mcjt5 esln,s,0 type,226 esurf ! esel,s,type,,23 ! shell type C-R nsle nsel,u,loc,z,-1.198,1.198 mat,225 $real,230 $type,225 esurf cmsel,a,mcjt6 esln,s,0 type,226 esurf ! allsel ! ddele,all,all ! save,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_tfpfmcwf-bk1r,db ! ! ************* add block supports at shell C ************* ! csys,1 no1=424639 ! outboard at -60 deg no2=424648 cylind,nx(no1),nx(no2),nz(no1)-0.10,nz(no1),-60,-54.23 ! v=815 cylind,nx(no1),nx(no2),nz(no1)-0.10,nz(no1),54.23,60 ! v=816 ! no1=443066 ! inboard no2=443068 cylind,nx(no1)-0.15,nx(no2),nz(no1)-0.10,nz(no1),-15.5,15.5 !v=817 ! et,250,45,,,,1 mp,EX,250,1.95e+011 mp,NUXY,250,0.29 mp,ALPX,250,1.27e-05 mp,DENS,250,6755 ! mat,250 $type,250 $real,1 ! sup. brocks, mat=250 esize,0.04 vmesh,815,816 esize,0.05 vmesh,817 ! allsel nrotat,all ! ! brackets and support block contact elements ! et,251,targe170,0 et,252,conta174,0,0,0,0,0,0 keyo,252,12,5 keyo,252,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,251,0 ! r,251,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! FKN,..PINB r,252,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! cmsel,s,obsup esln mat,251 $real,251 $type,252 esurf asel,s,area,,5303,5309,6 nsla,s,1 esln type,251 esurf ! cmsel,s,ibsup esln mat,251 $real,252 $type,252 esurf asel,s,area,,5315 nsla,s,1 esln type,251 esurf ! ! cyclic boundary constraints ! csys,1 vsel,s,volu,,815,816 nslv,s,1 cpcyc,all,0.0005,1,0,120,0 allsel ! ! *********** Start modify model ****************** ! ! Modify element types ! SHPP,OFF,,NOWARN esel,s,type,,10,27 ! 10-node solid187 esel,u,type,,11,17,6 et,2,92 ! 10-node tetrahedral emodif,all,type,2 ! esel,s,type,,11,17,6 ! 20-node solid186 et,3,95 emodif,all,type,3 ! solid95 ! etdele,10,27 ! ! Modify material propertie ! mp,ey,102,0.63e11 ! modular coil mp,ez,102,0.63e11 mp,nuyz,102,0.2 mp,nuxz,102,0.2 ! mp,ex,110,0.195e12 ! PF56 bracket mp,nuxy,110,0.29 mp,alpx,110,0.127e-04 mp,dens,110,6775 mp,ex,112,0.195e12 ! PF4 bracket mp,nuxy,112,0.29 mp,alpx,112,0.127e-04 mp,dens,112,6775 ! allsel ! asel,s,loc,z,kz(121),kz(121)+0.001 ! wedge top face nsla,s,1 csys,1 nsel,r,loc,x,0.480,0.488 nsel,u,loc,x,0.481,0.487 cm,csn,node ! allsel ! save,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_tfpfmcwf-new1r,db ! ! modmsh,detach ! vdele,all,,,1 ! keyo,154,12,4 ! TF shim contact elem ! ! merge nodes at IB and OB bracket ! nsel,s,loc,z,1.3575,1.3577 nsel,a,loc,z,-1.3577,-1.3575 nsel,r,loc,y,46.4,53.6 nsel,u,loc,y,48,52 nummrg,node ! IB bet. 40-60 allsel ! esel,s,mat,,113 ! TF bracket nsle nsel,u,loc,x,0,1.20 esln,s,1 esel,r,mat,,113 cm,obbp1,elem ! OB bracket nsel,r,loc,z,-1.226,1.226 esln cm,obbp2,elem ! OB bracket base plate cmsel,s,obbp1 cmsel,u,obbp2 nsle nummrg,node ! esel,s,mat,,113 nsle nsel,r,loc,x,0,1.20 ! IB gracket nsel,r,loc,z,-1.371,1.371 esln,s,1 esel,r,mat,,113 cm,ibbp2,elem nummrg,node allsel ! ! Modify more material propertie ! rto=4.728 mp,ex,11,0.1375e11/rto ! wing bag mp,ex,12,0.1375e11/rto mp,ex,15,0.1375e11/rto mp,ex,17,0.1375e11/rto mp,ex,18,0.1375e11/rto mp,ex,21,0.1375e11/rto ! mp,ex,69,0.1375e11/rto/2 ! wing bag image mp,ex,70,0.1375e11/rto/2 ! wing bag image and contact ! mp,ex,9,0.1999e12/2 ! flange shim mp,ex,110,0.1999e12 ! PF bracket mp,ex,112,0.1999e12 mp,ex,113,0.1999e12 ! mp,alpx,22,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,23,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,24,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,25,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,26,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,27,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,90,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,110,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,112,0.130e-4 mp,alpx,113,0.130e-4 ! mp,dens,102,9520 ! mc and clamps mp,dens,110,7750 ! PF 5&6 support mp,dens,112,7750 ! PF 4 support mp,dens,113,7750 ! TF-PF bracket ! mp,ex,103,0.136e12 ! TF coil email/1/28/08 mp,ex,104,0.136e12 ! PF coil mp,alpx,103,0.1636e-4 mp,alpx,104,0.1636e-4 mp,alpx,105,0.130e-4 mp,gxy,109,0.14e11 ! 1/31/08 ! mp,ex,111,0.1999e12 ! 2/1/08 change to SS mp,nuxy,111,0.29 mp,alpx,111,0.130e-4 mp,dens,111,7750 ! mp,alpx,109,0.9829e-5 ! g11 warp 2/14/08 mp,alpx,114,0.9829e-5 ! ! Modify support constraints to support springs ! ddele,all ! csys,0 et,255,combin14,,,0 r,255,7.355E+08 ! spring constant r,256,7.355E+08 ! n,,nx(467518),ny(467518),nz(467518)-0.2 !IB real,255 $type,255 e,467518,467717 n,,nx(467167),ny(467167),nz(467167)-0.2 !OB real,256 e,467167,467718 ! ! d,467518,uz,0.0 ! IB d,467167,uy,0.0 ! OB d,467717,ux,0.0,,,,uy,uz ! IB, at lower end d,467718,ux,0.0,,,,uy,uz ! OB, at lower end allsel ! cdwrite,comb,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_file_new1r.cdb ! No PF6 link ! finish ! ! *************** add PF6 links ********************** ! /clear,nostart ! resume,new-tf_pf_mcwf\channel-4,db ! /prep7 ! SHPP,OFF,,NOWARN cdread,comb,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_file_new1r,cdb /pnum,mat,1 ! allsel csys,1 nrotat,all ! ! brackets and link contact elements ! et,260,targe170,1 et,261,conta174,0,0,0,0,0,0 keyo,261,12,5 keyo,261,9,1 ! ignore initial gaps/penetration mp,mu,260,0 ! r,260,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! FKN,..PINB r,261,0,0,10,0,0,0.3 ! ! upper contact elements ! asel,s,loc,z,0.7397,0.7398 nsla,s,1 esln mat,260 $real,260 $type,261 esurf ! esel,s,mat,,110 nsle nsel,r,loc,z,0.7397,0.7398 nsel,u,loc,y,-27,27 nsel,u,loc,y,-60,-53 nsel,u,loc,y,-47,-33 nsel,u,loc,y,33,47 nsel,u,loc,y,53,60 type,260 esurf ! ! lower contact elements ! asel,s,loc,z,-0.7398,-0.7397 nsla,s,1 esln mat,260 $real,261 $type,261 esurf ! esel,s,mat,,110 nsle nsel,r,loc,z,-0.7398,-0.7397 nsel,u,loc,y,-27,27 nsel,u,loc,y,-60,-53 nsel,u,loc,y,-47,-33 nsel,u,loc,y,33,47 nsel,u,loc,y,53,60 type,260 esurf ! allsel ! ! modmsh,detach ! vdele,all,,,1 ! ! save,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_file_new_itg,db ! ! keyo,154,12,5 ! 3/3/08 bonded TF shim ! mp,mu,153,0.2 ! ! modify spring properties ! csys,0 r,257,6.039E+05 ! IB hori. r,258,1.621E+07 ! OB hori. ! n,,nx(467518),ny(467518)-0.5,nz(467518) !IB vert. real,257 $type,255 $mat,251 e,467518,479895 n,,0,0,0 cs,11,0,467167,479896,467718 n,,nx(467167),ny(467167),nz(467167)+0.5 !OB vert. real,258 e,467167,479897 csys,0 ! ! Modify vert. spring propertie ! r,255,6.390E+07 ! IB vert. r,256,7.005E+07 ! oB vert. ! ddele,467167,uy,0.0 ! OB d,479895,ux,0.0,,,,uy,uz ! IB d,479897,ux,0.0,,,,uy,uz ! OB eplot save,new-tf_pf_mcwf\itg_file_new_itg-1,db ! finish