From: Michael R. Kalish Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2005 5:38 PM To: Wayne T. Reiersen Cc: 'Nelson, Brad E.'; Hutch Neilson; ''; Arthur W. Brooks Subject: TF Calculations note: due to the size of the attachments I put them on the server... Brad let me know if you can't get there \\Snap-srv\share1\Kalish Wayne, As a start here are the documents which satisfy the analysis requirements for the TF Coil (I’ll provide status of the other PDR concerns separately, I have been neglected reporting progress with the other responsibilities of the last two weeks but there has indeed been progress). I believe that with the exception of changes that may result from the PDR these analysis (after checking) will satisfy the FDR requirements as well. The last of the updates was completed on Thursday so that now all of these analyses reflect the redesign or the winding pack insulation scheme. I did present a preliminary review of these results just before the break and the final package still supports the design and analysis as presented then (fortunately no surprises). While there are eight documents here they are in fact the paired down essential list. Some of these memos retain earlier analysis which led to the final design but all provide summaries of the final condition which we arrived at. It’s a lot to digest. I’ve talked to Art and I’ll meet with him at his earliest convenience to review the results. To help you make sense of this here’s a bit of the evolution and a brief description of each report: “TF Smeared Properties for 3x4 with slip-plane 1-3-05” This analysis provides the “smeared winding properties” required as input to all other models. It has been updated to reflect changes in the coil cross section and insulation scheme. The properties determined by this model were benchmarked in the analysis by modeling two beams. One using the smeared properties and one with complete conductor and insulation detail. The smeared properties were then adjusted until the deflection in bending of both the beams matched. This analysis will also be the basis for the beam testing that we are undergoing. “Comparative TF Stress Analysis all cases” This was an earlier analysis that provided the basis for the change to the 3x4 from the 2x6 winding pack. It is included in the final list of reports only because it provides us with the basis to conclude that the .5 Tesla case is in fact our benchmark for evaluating worst case stresses. It analyzes the TF coils subject to fields from all other coils for each of the required cases. This analysis uses a coarse mesh and does not provide final stress and deflection results. Using the .5 Tesla case as the basis for further analysis allowed us to move forward with a simpler TF only model with greater resolution for optimization of the wedge castings and determination of the stress. This model was not updated to reflect the new Kapton on copper insulation scheme. "Stress Analysis TF 3x4 Wedges and Insul Slip Plane 01-12-05" This document contains the final stress analysis for the TF Coil. Only the .5 Tesla case is considered. It is a hybrid model in that it uses smeared winding pack properties in the low stress regions of the coil but has a detailed winding pack model where the peak stresses occur. The analysis was also used to optimize the casting design and includes stress analysis in the casting. Fatigue analysis is included. "TF Displacements for Brooks Island Study R2 - from all NI Source with slip plane 1-3-05" This Analysis was necessary to satisfy the max. displacement criteria for the coils. Each load case is evaluated using a smeared winding pack model that includes all of the coils. Coil restraints and preload are applied for the TF "pushers", vertical supports, and wedge castings. The deflection output file was provided to Art Brooks who performed an Island Study and concluded that the deflections due to each of the operating scenarios are within acceptable limits. See: "Island Study Results from Revised smeared TF 3x4 with slip plane 12-20-04" "TF Inboard Leg Wedging from Odd MC Currents soft WP with slip plane R3 01-13-05" The wedging analysis uses inputs from Art Brooks that provide the worst case magnetic ejection loads to the TF Coils. The analysis does indeed show that there can be a net outward radial load on the TF Coils. This result is the basis for the Pusher Structure and is used to size the inward preload requirement. "TF_THERM-analys 3x4 winding pack RevB 12-9-04" The TF Thermal Analysis assumes a flow rate and calculates maximum temperatures and cool down time. The analysis has been updated to reflect the 3x4 winding pack. Michael Kalish Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory PO Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543 Phone: (609) 243-2277 Fax: (609) 243-3248 You can visit the home page of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at