From: Geoffrey J. Gettelfinger Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:51 AM To: Bradley E. Nelson; Erik D. Perry; Fred Dahlgren; Arthur W. Brooks; Mike Cole; Wayne T. Reiersen; David E. Williamson; Freudenberg, Kevin D.; Horng-Ming Fan; Thomas G. Brown Cc: Mike Messineo Subject: NCSX Support Concepts Attachments: Requirements for stellarator core support.doc; Support Concepts 060413.ppt Folks: Many of the above people met on March 14 to discuss fundamental requirements of the permanent, low-relative-mu machine supports for the stellator core. Brad typed up the minutes of the discussion and distributed them (attached). Mike Messineo (with minor inputs from me) came up with the two support concepts attached in the .ppt document. While each concept will seems initially workable they clearly need side plates and retainers for seismic events. The biggest issues with these concepts will be line-like contact pressures and eddy/circulating current themes. Some local yielding in the rollers and race surfaces is probably acceptable although avoiding it entirely will be an objective. A big design challenge will be to keep these elements simple to minimize fabrication costs and maximize utility. Please share any thoughts you have for iterating on the concepts. Geoff