From: Michael E. Viola Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:25 PM To: Lawrence E. Dudek; Steve Raftopoulos; Michael J. Duco Cc: John W. Edwards; Wayne T. Reiersen; Thomas G. Brown; Ronald L. Strykowsky Subject: Leica support Larry, Steve, Mike We are experiencing "noise" in the metrology system again. I called Leica Don Demetrakaes, his rates are $125/hr plus expenses. He is available the first week of December. EMSCON allows Verisurf (third party software) to trigger the controller to take the measurements. It also includes a web based program that allows you to take measurements in EMSCON and therefore eliminate the Verisurf software as a potential source of a problem. EMSCON must be used by third party software to properly access the Leica head. Any other method i.e. NETBUI is considered a kluge by Leica and is not reliable nor supported. Therefore we must purchase EMSCON now to continue with reliable Verisurf operation. Regarding measurement accuracy: The Birdbath does nothing for us in continuous mode and should not be a gage for stability. In fact the birdbath position causes the head motors to hunt vigorously while reading in continuous mode. It would be better to put a nest out 6 feet and use that. There are three checks for stability and accuracy: 1) 2 face field check sites on a target rotates the head rereads the head. (angle encoder check daily 3 minutes) 2) Interferometer (IFM) check ( 3) ADM check (weekly 20 minute total) I am directing Mike Duco to perform the field checks per the above schedule. In continuous mode the redundancy of measurements is not real. The tech spec is +/-0.001" in 10' envelope plus 10 microns (0.0004")/meter beyond that. Rental is at the rate of 10% of the overall cost with a minimum time of 2 weeks. The system the we would need is the 840 and would run around $300K so the rental rate is ~$30K/month Thanks, Mike Viola, PPPL, (609) 243 3655