From: Keilbach, Robert [] Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:00 PM To: Thomas G. Brown Subject: RE: Weld size Tom, Shop likely used ER70S-2 filler metal, which has min. UTS and YS of 70 and 58 ksi respectively. The purpose of the AISC/AWS - specified minimum fillet weld sizes is to provide sufficient welding heat input to retard the weld cooling rate in heavy wall thickness C-Mn steel materials, regardless of loading. However, please note that per AWS D1.1-2002 Table 5.8 Note 1, based on the use of GTAW, which is a low-hydrogen welding process, a minimum fillet weld size of 3/16" is acceptable, unless a larger weld size is required by design. Bob X2661 -----Original Message----- From: Thomas G. Brown [] Sent: Tue 3/14/2006 12:14 PM To: Keilbach, Robert Subject: Weld size Robert, I need some weld engineering guidance. The weld in question is shown sheet 3 of se184-002, 03 and 04 Assemblies. I also have an accompany spreadsheet attached where I've done some back-of-the-envelope calculations on this weldment to see what load capacity it had in supporting the load of the vacuum vessel. We will be supporting the 5,125 lb VV from this assembly with a 10,000 lb rated swivel hook (not shown). The drawing shows a 3/16" bevel weld between a 1" top plate and the 5.5" OD tube (1/2"wall). It turns out the shop used a 3/16" fillet weld to join the parts. My calculations indicate that the 3/16" weld is okay, however according to AISC/AWS codes the minimum weld size is 5/16" (determined by the thickness of the thicker part joined, but does not need to exceed the thinner part joined). In one calculation I assumed an E60 filler material. I later found that the shop used a filler ER70-552, which I could find material data. I talked to the weld tech and he thought that a 5/16" would be a very big weld to put on this part. It appears that the weld joint is stronger that the hook load capacity even assuming that the hook caries a 50% margin. What are your thoughts on this? The job charge to use is: 9450 1*** 1803. Tom Tom Brown Princeton Plasma Physics Lab PO Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543-0451 Phone: (609) 243-2156 fax: (609) 243-3030