From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 4:46 PM To: Michael J. Duco Cc: Thomas G. Brown; Steve Raftopoulos; Michael E. Viola; Wayne T. Reiersen Subject: Combined IGES filed for A1-A2 fitup Attachments: A12_Realigned_A2down_Yup.iges; Best fit Csys 3pt r2.xls Mike, I've combined the A1 and A2 Realigned Tooling Ball Iges files into a single file reflecting the orientation they are on the wedge (A2 bottom, A1 Top) and keeping the Y axis up. This is the same orientation used for the C-C fitup (but it is not cs0 since A2 is on the bottom) You should be able to use the same spreadsheet calculator developed for C-C (copy attached) to key off the dial indicator readings for making adjustments. The tooling balls you choose and the locations of the dial indicators used would need to be inputted first (note the sheet is protected to avoid inadvertent changes so must be unprotected first to make changes Tools->Protection->Unprotect Sheet...) I'll be out Monday and Tuesday next week but I understand you will not begin until Wednesday. Art -----Original Message----- From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 9:43 AM To: Steve Raftopoulos; Michael J. Duco Cc: Robert A. Ellis; Thomas G. Brown; Michael E. Viola Subject: IGES file formats for A1 and A2 Fiducials Steve, Mike, Attached are iges files of the new coordinates for the A1 and A2 fiducials following Coil Realignment as well as iges files of the original coordinates. Art -----Original Message----- From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:59 PM To: Michael J. Duco Cc: Thomas G. Brown; Robert A. Ellis; Michael E. Viola; Steve Raftopoulos Subject: RE: A1 and A2 Fiducial Nominals Mike, Attached are the New Coordinates for the A1 and A2 fiducials following Coil Realignment. The transformation has changed the coordinates by no more than .008" The original numbers were based on a best fit of the data you collected with the coils in the horizontal position on the wedge. You may want to hold onto these in case our coil realignment strategy changes. If you need data in a different format than a spreadsheet let me know and I will convert it in the future. Art -----Original Message----- From: Michael J. Duco Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 7:33 AM To: Arthur W. Brooks Cc: Thomas G. Brown; Robert A. Ellis Subject: RE: A1 and A2 Fiducial Nominals Art, I attempted to select a random set of points while going from horizontal to vertical on the A1 coil effort. Because of the deflections we experienced, I was unable to determine if the points I chose were accurate enough to consider acceptable. In the files I supplied to you, the points that have an arc and a line associated with them are points which were taken during an alignment and are to be considered most accurate (one less level of error). Any points that do not have an arc and a line are subject to add alignment error. If you can filter the points based on this criteria, and compare them to MTM's originals you can compile an accurate set. Mike Michael J. Duco Neutral Beam Cryogenics Princeton University, Plasma Physics Lab Forrestal Campus,Route 1 North at Sayre Dr. P. O. Box 451 Princeton, N. J. 08543 (609)243-3787 (609)243-3373 -----Original Message----- From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 8:27 AM To: Michael J. Duco Subject: A1 and A2 Fiducial Nominals Hi Mike, Can you forward me a copy of what you are now calling the nominals for all the fiducials for A1 and A2 (initial flange tooling balls plus added tooling balls)? I will apply the transform to them that I obtained from our Coil Realignment Process (ie the realignment to compensate for winding deviations) and return you new values for the nominals. I know the data is buried in the iges files you sent earlier, but we have multiple measurements of each point. I believe you selected one of the measurements to use as nominals (though they were all fairly close) Thanks, Art