From: Arthur W. Brooks
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:02 PM
To: Michael J. Duco; Robert A. Ellis; Thomas G. Brown
Cc: Michael E. Viola; Wayne T. Reiersen;; Tiana Dodson
Subject: RE: Full Torque A1 A2 Fitup Data

Attachments: A1A2 Trial Fitup Full Torque.ppt



The Full torque data is added to the previous plots. There does not look to be any significant change from half torque to full torque in the vertical (z)  coordinates.


I’ve added horizontal movement plots (x&y) as well. There is a bit more scatter which seems to indicate part distortion from bolt loading. It not as easy to as the vertical movements see since horizontal movements are +/-.





From: Tiana Dodson
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 11:04 AM
To: Arthur W. Brooks
Cc: Thomas G. Brown; Robert A. Ellis
Subject: Full Torque A1 A2 Fitup Data


Attached you will find the data for the A1 A2 Fitup Full-Torque (30 ft-lb) Measurements. We did not complete a scan of the flange at the half-torque (15 ft-lb) point, however, you should have a copy of the pre-torque flange scan as well as the included full-torque flange scan.


Tiana and Mike