12/22/06 C2 CS0 coord. transformation: C2r1 X Y Z About X About Y About Z -0.00323208 -0.03096037 0.02236041 0.02613692 0.05253439 0.01904024 C5 CS0 coord. transformation: assume C4r1 X Y Z About X About Y About Z 0.01163284 0.00620140 0.01452996 -0.03328320 -0.00150808 0.00988164 Data taken in assembly stb-mc_c2_with_align_shperes.asm no transformation of C2 part relative to C5 C2 Flange shim screw fiducials (X, Y, Z) data, measured from ACS-C2 Alignment CS0 #1 36.492919 30.833876 43.416614 #2 67.401427 56.790878 -18.310671 #3 18.076348 15.391608 -17.220359 Data taken with C2 positioned using Arts' Cr2 and Cr4 transformations C2 flange shim screw fiducials (X, Y, Z), measured from ACS-C5 Alignment CS0 #1 36.514071 30.757529 43.421941 #2 67.360199 56.783481 -18.307515 #3 18.042772 15.375191 -17.213619 Mike Duco needs to review how the part coordinate systems were established.