From: Michael E. Viola
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 3:53 PM
To: John W. Edwards; Michael E. Viola; Wayne T. Reiersen; Thomas G. Brown; Steve Raftopoulos; Robert A. Ellis; Arthur W. Brooks; Lawrence E. Dudek
Cc: Ronald L. Strykowsky; Hutch Neilson; 'Cole, Michael'; Bob Simmons; Paul Fogarty; 'Paul Goranson ('; Engineering Conference Room; David E. Williamson; Craig D. Priniski; Tiana Dodson; Phil Heitzenroeder; Michael J. Duco; Edward G. Bush; Stephen W. Langish; Kevin Freudenberg; Bradley E. Nelson; Mike Williams
Subject: FPA Daily Coordination meeting 5/17/07

Attachments: IMG_0735.JPG

John see A_A coil at bottom for tomorrow



FPA documentation needs for Station 2 have been placed on hold until the design is finalized.

Need to Flip B1 toclean the epoxy flowed over the B side flange and poloidal break.


Thursday: 5/17/07

Tracker still stable.

Leica is back



64 of 64 heating cooling lines installed on VV2

About 2 days remain of thermocouples and final tightening

Welder head still broken.  2 weeks for evaluation.

Hope is to switch VV3 for VV1 then move on to scanning VV3



Continued A1 A2 fitup.

Was scanned then torqued.

Scanned and Fuji examined (attached)

Files to follow soon

Torque to 30 ft-lbs. 100% of the 75%



Measured B-1

B-1 needs to be flipped to measure fiducials including the external monuments





Please consider putting VV3 on the stand for measurement.

The maximum tension during any of the coil testing is 55,000 lbs.

Which is equivalent to 30 ft-lbs on the supernut jackbolts.

Where we have through bolts, we can go to the full 75,000 lbs tension

Which is equivalent to 40 ft-lbs on the supernut jackbolts.



Larry would like to add a step:

Measure after torque condition and replace the 5 thru bolts corner Fuji with high range and
torque thru bolts to 75% and then replace Fuji with new high range paper and
retorque to100%



Continue measuring B-1.

Please move B-1 to the new wedge and measure B-1 on the new wedge with current side up.

Then flip and remeasure

Crane will be unavailable on Friday




Mike Viola, PPPL, (609) 243 3655


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