From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 12:09 PM To: Thomas G. Brown Subject: RE: Stage 3 VV Support - Lateral Load Attachments: Elastic_Collision.xls Tom, I made a (hopefully conservative) estimate of the collision between the MCWF (25000#) and the VV(?6000#). Using the 1 in/s velocity of the MCWF (based on the Crane max speed) the velocity of the lighter vessel will be ~1.6 in/s after colliding elastically. I calculate a lateral spring constant of ~30 Kips/in for just the port 12 leg (which should be more representative) from the ANSYS model based on 1000# force and .032" deflection. Together this leads to a estimated collision force of 1090 lbs, not far from what I assumed. Art -----Original Message----- From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:59 AM To: Thomas G. Brown Subject: Stage 3 VV Support - Lateral Load Tom, I'm having trouble with the real VV model so I fell back to your first model to look at gravity plus lateral loads. I'm getting sizable port 12 base bolts stresses (~46 ksi) from bending with just 1000# lateral load. We may need to strengthen the u channel the bolt is in. Did you see similar results in mechanica? The model used doesn't provide a realistic stiffness for the lateral force from which to estimate dynamic the true load; the 1000# is just a guestimate. Art