From: Gary McGinnis []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:54 PM
To: Thomas G. Brown
Subject: Bob guy

Attachments: bob.sav

Tom, I left the coils in as someone said there will probably be a need to re-torque after the machine has cycled to eliminate tear-down as much as possible.

The "bob" guy is a pro-e library item and there are several different heights, 5'-5", 5'-9" and 6'-1". I have attached a .sav file(rename to .zip) of the 5'9" guy. They are a little awkward to work with:


Pull up the assy and layout

In the layout go to tools/relations - modify what you wish (ex S_X_L is for left shoulder around the x axis) Go to utilities/verify

Update sheet in the layout

Reactivate the assy and regenerate(current values)


Hopefully the guy moved correctly for you. It's somewhat tedious as your guessing how much to move but he has a lot of flexibility.





From: Thomas G. Brown []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 1:11 PM
To: Gary McGinnis
Subject: RE: C coil bolt access


Your slides look great Gary.  The trim coils will not be no the assembly when the MC hardware is being installed;  giving Bob some extra room.  Where did you find Bob?   I could use him in some other assemblies.  Is he available?





From: Gary McGinnis []
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 11:46 AM
To: Mike Cole; Bradley E. Nelson; David E. Williamson; Kevin D. Freudenberg; PJ Forgarty; Thomas G. Brown; Lawrence E. Dudek; Wayne T. Reiersen; Gary Lovett
Subject: C coil bolt access




Attached is a study of the machine assy with all coils in place and using a 5'-9" human factor library part to show the possible access to tighten the 6 C flange inboard bolts. I totally agree the best way to tell real access would be with a full size mockup, but I feel more confident now after looking at the cad model with a "simulated" person in place than I was before. If you would like to play around with the pro-e assy I have in my NCSX/sketch/McGinnis folder "gm-mach-assy.asm"(open simple rep GM).




 Gary McGinnis

307 New York Ave.

Oak Ridge TN  37830

(865) 298-1314    fax (865) 298-1315


Project Ref: 06-11048


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