From: Error, Joseph J. []
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 3:44 PM
To: Michael E. Viola; Thomas G. Brown
Cc: Scott Helus
Subject: FW: Monuments and optical tooling presentation

Attachments: floor monument_cap.pdf; Spider Leg.pdf; Spider Housing.pdf; Spider Arm.pdf

Hi Mike, Tom,


We are in the process of responding to your requests as fast and accurately as we can.  Over the next day or so you will receive a number of correspondences from us.  This particular attachment consists of a set of blueprints for our floor monument.  We are recommending that you manufacture about fifty units.  The spider housing is a support fixture that holds the monument in place in the “cored hole” while the cement hardens. 



Our initial network design which you will be receiving shortly, calls for forty monuments to be installed to support the initial network campaign.  Obviously some monuments will probably be lost during the construction of your machine but nevertheless we deem them necessary in the initial phase to add strength and geometry to the network.


As a result you may wish to add additional monuments later, hence our recommendation for the purchase of fifty. We are also recommending the installation of forty wall monuments (different type).  They can be purchased as “off the shelf items” and will be covered in detail in our statement about the network coming soon. 


With regards to the price of these monuments, here in Oak Ridge, the cost of over 800 that we presently have installed averaged about $75.00 each.  Perhaps you can make them for less.  In the event that our cost is lower, we would be pleased to talk to our vendors on you behalf or purchase them here so long as it is legal and ORNL (S & A) can be reimbursed.    


We have also attached a brief power point presentation on the optical tooling equipment we recommend.  Keep in mind that with regards to optical tooling equipment, there is a specific method to our madness.  It is our desire to make optical tooling techniques interface seamlessly with common laser tracker practices. 


As stated above, other items will be following shortly including an estimate for our part in constructing your network and a statement expressing the statistical clarity of the final product.



Joseph Error
Group Leader, SNS Survey & Alignment
UT-Battelle, LLC
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Building 8600, Room C-279
Oak Ridge, TN   37831-6462
Phone  865-241-6625
Cell      865-776-6246
Fax      865-574-6617

From: Helus, Scott A.
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2007 2:47 PM
To: Error, Joseph J.
Subject: Monuments and optical tooling presentation