From: Michael J. Duco
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2007 2:49 PM
To: Robert A. Ellis
Cc: Thomas G. Brown; Michael J. Duco
Subject: A1 Warped Iges (Filtered TB Data)

Attachments: 092707 A1 WARPED.IGS
Here is the Filtered "A1 Warped.Iges" data. These measurements were taken with the scepter only and we have had to filter out the overlap points due to errors induced by arc inaccuracy while taking scepter points. The Flange was scanned using a 1.5" Dia. CCR and the VVSA Boss data a .5" Dia. CCR. Once again you should review the differences between this new "warped data" and the "MTM tooling ball in Ring data points".
Mike Duco