From: Arthur W. Brooks Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:16 AM To: Thomas G. Brown Cc: Steve Raftopoulos Subject: pts files for B1 RomerArm Casting data Attachments: B1Casting.pts; B1_SideA_Base1.pts; B1_SideA_Base2.pts; B1_SideA_Septum1.pts; B1_SideA_Septum2.pts; B1_SideB_Base1.pts; B1_SideB_Base2.pts; B1_SideB_Septum1.pts; B1_SideB_Septum2.pts Tom, Attached are pts files for the B1 Casting taken from the RomerArm measurements provided by Steve. The file B1Casting.pts is just a compilation of all the other 8 files of data. I've given you the separate files as well in case you need to keep them separate in order to fit each to different surfaces in Verisurf. I don't know if Verisurf can do a best fit of multiple point sets to multiple surfaces. You may be forced to treat the four faces as a single surface. Steve can probably tell us what's doable. Art