From: Lawrence E. Dudek
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:53 PM
To: Thomas G. Brown
Subject: Fwd: Latest Vulcan NCRs

Attachments: Vulcan NCR 1161.pdf; ATT2214561.htm; Vulcan NCR 1159.pdf; ATT2214562.htm; Vulcan NCR 1160.pdf; ATT2214563.htm
Here are 3 NCR's that need to be approved before they can ship the Station 3 parts. Please sign and return to me for RLM approval. Thanks,

Larry Dudek


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Frank A. Malinowski" <>
Date: May 9, 2008 1:58:48 PM EDT
To: "Lawrence E. Dudek" <>
Subject: Latest Vulcan NCRs


Attached are pdf�s with cover pages that have text boxes in the Accept/Reject boxes and Disposition area. �They won�t help you disposition them, but should help you document the dispositions.� I did note that the certifications (2 involved for 3 items) do meet A36 chemistry, but do not have any mechanical info and do not state compliance with A36.




Frank Malinowski - MS01

The DOE Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

(609) 243-2203

From: Dave Barber []
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 12:19 PM
To: Frank A. Malinowski
Cc: Lawrence E. Dudek; Arlene E. White; Philip Reddell; Joanna Santoro
Subject: RE: Current List of Open Issues involving Mat'l Certifications


PPPL PL# PE007970-W line items 5,6, and 7.

Seems that 1/8" A36 material is not easy to come by which is likely why are suppliers didn't supply it in the first case.� Attached are Non-conformance requests for line items 5, 6 and 7.� These are the jobs which require the 1/8" A36 material.� Each attachment includes the VPC rejection report, drawing and the most information that I am able to get out of our supplier concerning the material.� I have project on hold until your disposition.

NOTE:� In writing my reports up, I believe that there is a typo on your Puchase Order # PE007970-W line item 5.� I believe the drawing should read 185-311-01 not the 186 that it currently reads.

David Barber

Vulcan Products Company

Quality Manager

From: Frank A. Malinowski []
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 12:34 PM
To: Dave Barber
Cc: Lawrence E. Dudek; Arlene E. White; Philip Reddell; Joanna Santoro
Subject: RE: Current List of Open Issues involving Mat'l Certifications


Yes we are in agreement.

For Items 1, 2, 3, & 6, we are awaiting certifications when Vulcan receives the material.

For Item #4, the NCR is accepted.� It is being annotated and will be forwarded shortly.

For Item #5, you are correct. Thanks for pointing out the footnote. �That certification is acceptable.




Frank Malinowski - MS01

The DOE Princeton Plasma Physics Lab

(609) 243-2203

From: Dave Barber []
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 2:00 PM
To: Frank A. Malinowski
Cc: Lawrence E. Dudek; Arlene E. White; Philip Reddell
Subject: Current List of Open Issues involving Mat'l Certifications

Hello all -� I have put together a summary so that all parties will be on the same page.� The following issues need to be resolved concerning material certs.� Frank, would you look at item number 5 below and get back with me please.

1.� SE185-311-01 & SE185-311-03 -� Our original material certs did not contain the material standard information, chemical data or physical data (J Steelberg Supply Heat # K0626).� Sufficient data is un-obtainable from our vendor.� Vulcan Products is replacing this material, thus obtaining a valid certification that can be presented to PPPL.�

2.� SE85-311-02 - Our original material certs did not contain the material standard information, chemical data or physical data (J Steelberg Supply Heat # 20706700).� Sufficient data is un-obtainable from our vendor. Vulcan Products is replacing this material, thus obtaining a valid certification that can be presented to PPPL.

3.� SE184-051-01 - The 3-1/2" round bar (ASI Heat # 805547) purchased for this job has been rejected here.� The material supplied from our vendor was certified to an ASTM A576 specification, not the A36 callout on our purchase order.� Vulcan Products is replacing this material, thus obtaining a valid certification that can be presented to PPPL.�

4.� SE185-316-01 -� I have sent an NCR (VPC Rejection Report # 1157) for non-conforming material on 05-01-08.� The W8 x 58# beam (Nucor-Yamato Steel Heat # 292193) is A572 GR50, not A36.� I am waiting for a response from PPPL here.

5.� 1" material - (Nucor Heat# 7107615-6) -� There was a question about an elongation value being under the minimum accepted value.� In reading ASTM A36/A 33M-05, table 3 shows the minimum elongation values.� In looking at footnote E, that states "For plates wider than 24 in. [600 mm], the elongation requirement is reduced two percentage points."� Using this statement, wouldn't the 18.5% reported on the certification be within specification?�

6.� SE184-051-01 -� 1-3/4" Threaded Rod -� I am still waiting for material to come in with certifications.

The decision to replace material for items 1-3 was based on the fact that Vulcan Products can maintain our due dates.�

Frank, if you have different information than what I have presented, lets work to get that resolved.


David Barber

Vulcan Products Company

Quality Manager