From: Moon, Rodger []
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 6:55 AM
To: Mike Cole; Thomas G. Brown
Subject: Sta 5 mass
Here is the CG info from Pro/e.  I have attached a couple of views of the model and removed the 2 outer TF coils.  Please let me know if I am missing anything or the mass does not seem right.
The X dim is the radial distance from the centerline (53.264").
VOLUME =  2.8407121e+05  INCH^3
SURFACE AREA =  8.3813964e+05  INCH^2
AVERAGE DENSITY =  2.9412286e-01 POUND / INCH^3
MASS =  8.3551836e+04 POUND
CENTER OF GRAVITY with respect to _SE100-002 coordinate frame:
X   Y   Z     5.3264078e+01  1.0150156e-01  8.1504706e-01  INCH