function help_shim_gui % function used with Shim GUI. % POP UP window displays the steps required to use the GUI. % % created by Mark Smith % 121307 % Revised 10-23-08: Updated. cfh1 = figure('Name','HELP USING GUI','Toolbar','none'); set(cfh1,'Position',[100 100 650 600],'Color',[.7 .7 .7]) cah1 = axes('Position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off'); set(gcf,'CurrentAxes',cah1) message={'Step 1: Select Joint Type Check Box: AB or BC',... 'Step 2: Press Load Shim File Button.',... 'Step 3: Navigate Directories and select file - shim_corners.xls.',... 'Step 4: Press Load 1st Coil Data Button.',... 'Step 5: Navigate Directories and select 1st flange Excel file.',... 'Step 6: Select check box Apply Transformation.',... 'Step 7: Press the Load Transformation 1 Button.',... 'Step 8: Navigate to Directory: Re-Alignment mat files,and select corrrect file.',... 'Step 9: Press Load 2nd Coil Data Button.',... 'Step 10: Navigate Directories and select 2nd flange Excel file.',... 'Step 11: Select check box Apply Transformation.',... 'Step 12: Press the Load Transformation 1 Button.',... 'Step 8: Navigate to Directory: Re-Alignment mat files,and select corrrect file.',... 'Step 8: Press Calculate Thickness Button.',... 'Step 9: Using the drop down menu - select method of plotting.',... 'Step 10: Press Update Plot Button.',... ' ',... ' ',... 'NOTES (1) Type of Joints AA and CC are not applicable yet.',... 'NOTES (2) Display input data by selecting appropriate check box ',... '(or boxes): Shims, 1st Data, or 2nd Dat2, then press Plot/Refresh.',... ' ',... 'NOTES (3) When plotting results via Shim Thickness3D, the figure ',... 'window is interactive; users can hide/display deviation arrows and adjust scaling.',... ' ',... '* Plots can be editted via standard Matlab menu options: i.e. 3D rotations.'}; text(0,.55,message,'fontweight','bold','FontSize',12)