From: Michael E. Viola
Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:08 PM
To: Michael E. Viola; Bob Simmons; Bradley E. Nelson; Frank A. Malinowski; Jim Lyon; Larry L. Sutton; Lawrence E. Dudek; Marianne Tyrrell; Paul Goranson; Phil Heitzenroeder; Wayne T. Reiersen
Cc:; 'McCorkle, Doug'; James J. Kukon; Joseph B. Winston
Subject: FW: Plan Lot 1 first run PPPL.xls thermal cycle

Attachments: Plan Lot 1 first run PPPL.xls; heat chart.jpg
Here is the MTM plan.
We agreed to stick with the original plan for the first VVSA and then maybe see what adjustments can be made for the second and third.  We turned on the heaters at 2:15 and they appeared to come up nicely. Initial pressure was 8 10-7.  First setpoint was 120F - the pressure came up to 4 10-6.  Next ramp up will be to 170 at 3:15.
We will ramp up per the attached plan.  I have also attached the handy dandy temperature conversion chart I did for convenience.  If there are any concerns or immediate reasons to stop please call me immediately at Major Tool 317 636 6433.
One question was what if the pressure comes up to 10-3 - what should they do with the vacuum system?

From: Manuel, Mike []
Sent: Mon 2/6/2006 2:50 PM
To: Michael E. Viola
Subject: Plan Lot 1 first run PPPL.xls