From: Michael E. Viola
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 7:17 AM
To: Ronald L. Strykowsky; Brad Nelson; Frank A. Malinowski; Hutch Neilson; Jim Lyon; Larry L. Sutton; Lawrence E. Dudek; Marianne Tyrrell; Paul Goranson; Phil Heitzenroeder; Wayne T. Reiersen
Cc: Erik D. Perry; Kim Buturla
Subject: monthly status
They started the ramp up around 1:30  AM from 200F this morning so they are only at ~500F now.
It will take well into today to stabilize so I may stay through the day and return tomorrow as planned.
Ron S.,
Regarding their monthly report and current status:
The first VVSA is right on schedule:
Final Leak check is due Wednesday and that will most probably get done Monday
The second VVSA is actually a little ahead of schedule with the port status.
The third VVSA should have been getting on the DSI by now so it is about 7-10 days behind schedule depending on the DSI availability.  They are going to put it on the DSI platform for boring the holes but will have to interleave other work also on the table.


Mike Viola, PPPL, (609) 243 3655