Text Box:  NCSX Memorandum

To:        T. Brown, A. Brooks, H-M. Fan, B. Nelson, D. Williamson, M. Cole, P. Goranson, R. Hatcher, C. Neumeyer

CC:       J. Schmidt, H. Neilson, P. Heitzenroeder, J. Lyon, S. Hirshman, M. Zarnstorff, A. Reiman. L. Berry, D. Strickler, R. Simmons, H. Kugel

From:    W. Reiersen

Date:     10/25/00

Re:        Minutes of 10/25 Engineering telecon


An engineering telecon was held on 10/25.  The first topic of discussion was PVR planning.  Reiersen reviewed a memo he drafted that outlined milestones and tasks required to support a March 28 PVR [1].  It became clear in the discussions that there was much to do in little time.  Reiersen solicited comments on the memo.  He indicated that he would revise the plan based on feedback from the engineering group and would coordinate the plan with Zarnstorff.

Mike Cole added TF coils (provided by Williamson) to his model to assess their impact on access [2].  The 21 identical and equi-spaced TF coils did not appear to significantly block access, at least for NBI.

Dave Williamson reviewed progress in developing the modular coil concept [3].  Dave has added TF and PF coils to the 1017 modular coil set.  This geometry will be posted for use in the free boundary optimization and surface quality studies.  Dave reviewed three options for structural support of the modular coils.  So far, there is no obvious, attractive solution to this gnarly problem.