To: T. Brown, A. Brooks, H-M. Fan, B. Nelson, D. Williamson, M. Cole, P. Goranson, R. Hatcher, C. Neumeyer, L. Dudek, P. Heitzenroedr
CC: J. Schmidt, H. Neilson, J. Lyon, S. Hirshman, M. Zarnstorff, A. Reiman. L. Berry, D. Strickler, R. Simmons, H. Kugel
From: W. Reiersen
Date: 12/1/2000
Re: Minutes of 11/08 Engineering telecon
An engineering telecon was held on 11/08. Most of the discussion revolved around the down-selection between the modular and saddle coil option. Neilson indicated that he would like to move the down-selection date up from 12/20 to 12/1. (At the project meeting the following week, Neilson indicated that a de facto selection had already been made in favor of the modular coils. Guidance impacts are addressed in the 11/16 guidance memo.)
Williamson presented recent progress in the design of the modular coil option. He has developed a methodology for projecting a helical trim coil winding located on the plasma surface to an offset surface.
Nelson reported on recent compression test results on the cabled conductor. The results are consistent with previous test results. The conductor indeed appears soft. Concern was expressed however that the soft modulus is in a region of plastic deformation. When the specimen is unloaded and reloaded, the load-deflection curve is substantially steeper in the elastic region.
Cole reported on progress accommodating NBI in the modular coil option. It appears that tilting the TF coils may not be necessary if opposing beams only shine on the drift ducts and not the interior of the beam box.
Subsequent to the engineering telecon, Phil Heitzenroeder organized a kick-off meeting for the accelerated site study. A discussion of site options and responsibilities was provided. A decision was made to pursue the mock-up area as the D-site option and the PBX/PLT area as the C-site option.
The next engineering telecon will be held on 11/29. This three-week hiatus between telecons is driven by the project meeting held last week and the Thanksgiving holiday next week. There should be much to report at this time. In particular, I would like to have status reports presented on the following topics:
PVR documentation requirements
Strategy for industrial involvement
Cost estimate development plan
Progress in site study
Structural design concept, analysis plan
Progress in trim coil integration
DesignView implementation
Update on physics performance of saddles and
Update on assessment of trim coil options
Progress in diagnostics integration