To: T. Brown, A. Brooks, H-M. Fan, B. Nelson, D. Williamson, M. Cole, P. Goranson, R. Hatcher, C. Neumeyer, L. Dudek, P. Heitzenroedr
CC: J. Schmidt, H. Neilson, J. Lyon, S. Hirshman, M. Zarnstorff, A. Reiman. L. Berry, D. Strickler, R. Simmons, H. Kugel
From: W. Reiersen
Date: 12/1/2000
Re: Minutes of 11/29 Engineering telecon
An engineering telecon was held on 11/08. Most of the discussion revolved around the design of the modular coils. Williamson presented the work done at ORNL. Williamson reported that a structural design concept has been developed based on the 1017 coil design. This is a critical development. There do not appear to be any showstoppers at this time. The geometry models include the I-beam, winding pack, the structure that connects the I-beam to the conformal shell, and a conformal shell with port cutouts and flanges. Cole is collecting the models for submission to Pro/INTRALINK. Jones is investigating better modeling techniques.
Williamson also reported on a 21-coil modular coil design (1115) that has been generated in which the symmetry plane coil have been moved from the v=0 to v=0.5 location. This option avoids having to pull the outer leg of the modular coil on the v=0 plane out by ~1m to facilitate NB access. It also has other potential advantages including:
There is a single highly shaped coil at the
oblate cross-section
There is a smaller perturbation of the coils
required for NB access
The outer PF coils can be closer to the plasma
as shown in the figure, there is presently insufficient space to accommodate
tangential NB injection. Given that the
1017 coil design does appear to work okay and the 1115 design does not yet
provide adequate NB access, it was decided to adopt
the 1017 coil design as the basis for our configuration development and
structural analysis efforts for the PVR. Williamson will work with HM Fan to initiate the structural
analysis effort. Cole will work with
Dave Johnson on diagnostic integration.
Nelson and Heitzenroeder will use the 1017 as the basis of discussion
with potential vendors when exploring fabrication and cost. Williamson and Cole will continue to support
Strickler in the coil design effort to assess the engineering implications of
alternative coil designs.
The issue of trim coils came up. The helical coils that were initially generated do not look like an attractive design solution. Neilson provided guidance to proceed developing the machine configuration in the absence of trim coils. Brooks is investigating different trim coil configurations. When an attractive configuration is identified, we will incorporate it in the machine configuration.
The next engineering telecon will be held on 12/6. I would like to have status reports presented on the following topics:
PVR documentation requirements
Strategy for industrial involvement
Cost estimate development plan
Progress in site study
Structural analysis plan
DesignView implementation
Trim coil options
Progress in diagnostics integration