12 September 2001


Revised vacuum vessel concept (Brown)

NCSX divertor concept with expanded first wall and slot divertor (Nelson)

Field line interception of plasma facing surface (Nelson)

NCSX divertor plates in (u,v) space (Nelson)

W7-X divertor plates (Nelson)

Recent developments on coil design (Williamson)

Comparison of NCSX and W7-X coils (Fogarty)

Current density metric (Nelson)


The weekly project meeting was held on September 12.  Tom Brown presented a revised VV concept.  The concept features a substantially expanded vacuum vessel.  Three concerns were noted.  The first is that there appears to be a significant interference for assembly.  The interferences were seen with the m0806 coil set.  Brown agreed to update the model using the m0813 coil set, which is the preferred 18-modular coil option.  This interference would be exacerbated by expanding the vessel further to incorporate an inboard RF launcher.  Brown agreed to include this feature in the next iteration.  A second interference was noted with respect to the neutral beam footprint.  Williamson indicated that using the m0813 coil set should relieve this interference.  A third interference was noted with the modular coils and vacuum vessel at the 30 degree cross-section.  This interference was attributed to the lumpiness of the winding surface in this region.  Williamson reported that he is attempting to manually smooth the winding surface in this region.

Williamson reported that a revised TF and PF design had been generated, consistent with the m0813 geometry.  PF4 (the one above the major radius) was noted to be blocking diagnostic access at the critical v=0.5 location.  It was decided to move PF4 one coil width inboard (to create diagnostic access) and to reduce the thickness of the coil, moving the inboard edge further outboard (thereby reducing the change in the radial position of the current centroid).  

The most recent modular coil designs from Strickler were based on using all 5 PF coils.  Pomphrey has adopted the strategy of not employing the solenoid coils in the flexibility studies so as not to constrain the volt-seconds that could be supplied.  Pomphrey did not observe a significant loss in flexibility by doing this.  It was recommended that Strickler try using only the three ring coils as background coils in generating the modular coil designs.

Nelson reported that Mioduszewski had indicated that a smooth plasma facing surface using formed panels would be satisfactory if a slot was provided with a volume behind it in neutral particles could be confined.  This was welcome news, appearing to be a relatively small modification to our reference design.  Nelson also proposed pulling the outboard first wall back to the vacuum vessel to improve in-vessel access.  The possible drawback was that the outboard trim coils might have to be armored with carbon (?) tiles that would have to be baked to 350C.

Please forward any comments or corrections to reiersen@pppl.gov

(last edited on 09/25/2001 03:47 PM )